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News video games 28 July 2022, 14:21

author: Jacob Blazewicz

Another Star Wars Game Delayed

The Force seems to have abandoned the game market this year. Admittedly, Star Wars: Hunters did not share the fate of KotOR Remake, but it still suffered a delay.

If you thought that the end (?) of the pandemic was also the end of massive delays of video game releases, we have to disappoint you. The list of delayed titles continues to grow, including Star Wars titles. Star Wars: Hunters will not debut until 2023, as announced by Zynga on Twitter.

Source: Zynga / Twitter.

The publisher did not provide an exact reason for the delay beyond the typical mention of wanting to "meet high expectations" for the game. The announcement mentions Arena mode to be the "biggest priority," but did not go into detail.

Zynga promised instead that those playing under the so-called soft launch can still expect regular updates. The next one is expected to hit SW: Hunters in a few weeks.

Those waiting for this free project may feel disappointed, although they can take comfort in the fact that Hunters is at least still in development. That's more than can be said for the remake of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. According to rumors work on the project has been halted, and on top of that the game has lost key developers.

Jacob Blazewicz

Jacob Blazewicz

Graduated with a master's degree in Polish Studies from the University of Warsaw with a thesis dedicated to this very subject. Started his adventure with in 2015, writing in the Newsroom and later also in the film and technology sections (also contributed to the Encyclopedia). Interested in video games (and not only video games) for years. He began with platform games and, to this day, remains a big fan of them (including Metroidvania). Also shows interest in card games (including paper), fighting games, soulslikes, and basically everything about games as such. Marvels at pixelated characters from games dating back to the time of the Game Boy (if not older).
