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News Files and Mods 10 November 2022, 16:37

author: Adrian Werner

Free STALKER Choice of Destiny Gets New Adventures

An updated version of Choice of Destiny, a fan-made game on the STALKER: Call of Pripyat engine, offering a new story campaign, has been released.

A new version of Choice of Destiny, a standalone mod built on the foundations of STALKER: Call of Pripyat has been released. The status of the standalone mod means that it is effectively a free fan game, as we are not required to own the original game. A similar solution is used by, among others, the iconic S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly.

Choice of Destiny offers a new story campaign and a rich selection of side missions. This is a rare example of a STALKER mod, which emphasizes detective elements. After completing the main storyline, a free exploration mode is unlocked. The modification also offers three new large locations and a ton of additional models and textures.

  1. Choice of Destiny - download the mod from our FTP. (The authors have given us permission to host a mirror)

New version of Choice of Destiny has been marked with the number 0.2.5. Compared to the previous release there have been quite a few changes. All locations have been thoroughly refreshed, gaining heavily in detail. Four additional missions and previously unavailable vehicles were introduced. In addition, a new predator species in the form of blind dogs has appeared on the maps.

The engine was also improved (instead of continuing to develop their own version of X-Ray Engine technology, the developers switched to the better STCoP WP variant, developed by a different team of fans), resulting in nicer lighting and improved optimization.

Other notable standalone mods built on S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat:

  1. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly - a sandbox survival project, combining maps from all three parts of the series.
  2. Anomaly Expeditions - a graphically improved version of Anomaly, enriched with many additions.
  3. Call of The Zone - the project carries over the older modification Call of Chernobyl on the engine of Call of Pripyatand enhances it with sandboxed content, a new campaign and hundreds of side missions.
  4. The Journey - a modification with an extensive story campaign that takes place in a heavily altered Zone, two decades after the events of the original trilogy.

Adrian Werner

Adrian Werner

A true veteran of the Gamepressure newsroom, writing continuously since 2009 and still not having enough. He caught the gaming bug thanks to playing on his friend's ZX Spectrum. Then he switched to his own Commodore 64, and after a short adventure with 16-bit consoles, he forever entrusted his heart to PC games. A fan of niche productions, especially adventure games, RPGs and games of the immersive sim genre, as well as a mod enthusiast. Apart from games, he devourers stories in every form - books, series, movies, and comics.
