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News video games 24 June 2021, 16:27

Source 2 Finally Coming to CS:GO? New Clues

More rumors have surfaced regarding the introduction of the Source 2 engine to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Clues can be found in the new Dota 2 update.

  1. The new update for DOTA 2 mentions CS:GO;
  2. There are many indications that this is related to moving the game to the Source 2 engine. This is an event long awaited by the fans;
  3. The discovery was made by Twitter user Gabe Follower, who is known for rummaging through game codes.

There has been speculation for quite some time about when Counter-Strike: Global Offensive will migrate to a better graphics engine - Source 2. Recall that currently CS:GO runs on the dated first version of the engine, which dates back to 2004. A year ago, work on the implementation of Source 2 was supposed to have been discontinued, but recent indications suggest that the switch may be happening after all.

The first signal came from Gabe Follower, a user known for digging into game codes, who shared his revelations on Twitter. His finding is a reference to CS:GO in the libengine2 library associated with the new version of Source, which appeared in the latest update to DOTA 2.

Mention of CS:GO, source: Twitter - Gabe Follower

Of course, we don't have any details and this is just circumstantial evidence. However, this information is certainly something interesting and gives fans of Counter-Strike hope that they can look forward to a nicer look for their favorite FPS. Let's not forget that many of the confirmed leaks were first found in source code of games.

Michal Ciezadlik

Michal Ciezadlik

Joined in December 2020 and has remained loyal to the Newsroom ever since, although he also collaborated with Friendly Fire, where he covered TikTok. A semi-professional musician, whose interest began already in childhood. He is studying journalism and took his first steps in radio, but didn't stay there for long. Prefers multiplayer; he has spent over 1100 hours in CS:GO and probably twice as much in League of Legends. Nevertheless, won't decline a good, single-player game either.
