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News video games 21 November 2023, 07:00

author: Adrian Werner

Portal 2 Gets 8-hour Prequel With New Campaign

The upcoming Portal: Revolution, the unofficial prequel to Portal 2, will offer an eight-hour story campaign.

Source: Valve

Portal 2 remains the highest rated game on Steam, so many gamers would love to play the third installment. Unfortunately, so far there is no indication that Valve has it in its plans. Fortunately, we can rely on the fans themselves, who provide their own campaigns from time to time. A release date for a new project of this type has just been revealed, and it promises to be the most impressive of its kind ever produced.

  1. The project is called Portal: Revolution and it will be released on January 5, 2024.
  2. Valve has appreciated the modification and it will be available directly through Steam, rather than through Steam Workshop like most mods.
  3. Plot-wise, it is meant to be a prequel, the events of which will take place some time before the story from Portal 2. Our task will be to find a device capable of restoring the Aperture Science Inc. labs to their former glory.
  4. The creators promise 40 test chambers, the completing of which should take about 8 hours.
  5. The project is also expected to offer new gameplay features, such as a previously unavailable laser cube variant.
  6. The project is built on the foundations of Portal 2: Community Edition, which is an improved version of the engine based on the Source version from Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. This enabled the creators to prepare elements that would have been impossible in the standard Portal 2.

Announcement of Portal: Revolution was met with great interest. On the YouTube channel, the trailer was viewed more than 321,000 times in two days.

Portal 2 debuted in April 2011. So we have been waiting for the third part for almost 12 years. Last year we had the opportunity to return to the universe with the Aperture Desk Job, a short and free game designed to familiarize players with Steam Deck.

  1. Portal: Revolution on Steam

Waiting for Portal: Revolution, it is worth checking out other fan-made adventures for the second installment.

Over the twelve years that have passed since the release of Portal 2, fans have developed a number of noteworthy modifications with new adventures. Below are some recommended projects of this type.

  1. A Minuted Millions
  2. Aperture Adventures
  3. Cosmogony: Packed
  4. Designed for Danger
  5. Dilapidation
  7. Mind Escape
  8. Old Science Initiative

Adrian Werner

Adrian Werner

A true veteran of the Gamepressure newsroom, writing continuously since 2009 and still not having enough. He caught the gaming bug thanks to playing on his friend's ZX Spectrum. Then he switched to his own Commodore 64, and after a short adventure with 16-bit consoles, he forever entrusted his heart to PC games. A fan of niche productions, especially adventure games, RPGs and games of the immersive sim genre, as well as a mod enthusiast. Apart from games, he devourers stories in every form - books, series, movies, and comics.
