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News video games 19 October 2022, 15:21

author: Sonia Selerska

Paralives Not Afraid of The Sims 5; Beard Selection Menu Presented

Independent competitor of The Sims introduces mechanics currently ot offered by its rival. In contrast, Project Rene, announced yesterday, displays intriguing similarity to Paralives.

For years The Sims held a monopoly on the market of life simulators. Developers of Paralives want to offer players some independent competition. While Maxis organized Behind The Sims Summit, on Twitter, new footage from Paralives has emerged, showcasing innovative mechanics.

New character creation mechanics in Paralives

The Canadian team, overseen by Alex Masse, has been working on Paralives since 2019, sharing progress on an ongoing basis. Yesterday's Twitter post shows footage of the character creator (called Paramaker), which will offer detailed beard selection options.

To create the beard of their dreams, players will have the chance to select mustaches and beards in independent colors, lengths and types.

The entire process also comes with a color palette that enables you to select an unlimited number of hues. This mechanic may sound familiar to fans of The Sims 3, but it did not appear in the latest installment (except for the creator of animals and supernatural Sims).

This is another addition to the impressive creator, which is also expected to offer customization of a character's height, freely adjustable tattoos or modifying layers of clothing.

The Sims 5 vs Paralives

Not yet released, Paralives has already stolen the hearts of life simulation fans, announcing mechanics that cannot be found in The Sims 4. In addition to the presented character creator the independent game is also expected to offer a more advanced building mode.

After the presentation of Project Rene during the Behind The Sims Summit, it's hard to resist the impression that Maxis plans to lead The Sims in a similar direction to Paralives.

Paralives Not Afraid of The Sims 5; Beard Selection Menu Presented - picture #1

Comparison of gameplay snippets from Project Rene(left) and Paralives(right)Youtube: The Sims, Paralives

Are the similarities due to the desire shared by both teams to please the players, or is Maxis worried about the rapidly growing competition? So far, the developers of The Sims have not addressed Paralives.

Both Paralives, and Project Rene, still have a long way to go. However, we can already assume that healthy competition will only bring positive results for the industry and players.

Sonia Selerska

Sonia Selerska

Began her professional writing adventure for in 2022, but she has always been interested in all forms of the written word. A student of Film and Multimedia with a specialization in Game Design and Development, deeply follows the blurring boundary between these two worlds. Sometimes, embarrassingly, appreciates style over substance. In the case of media, more often than not, goes to extremes; she can never choose between documentaries and horror films, and cozy games, life simulators, and animations. You will find her playing old-school consoles and indie gems rather than AAA titles. Devotes her free time to her love of fashion and art in a broader sense. Believes that the plot is the most crucial element of a game, and the most compelling stories are the ones inspired by everyday life.
