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News video games 08 August 2016, 12:39

author: Mathias Zulpo

Outreach will send you to the (Soviet) stars

Raising the subject of Cold War-era conspiracies, Outreach – a sci-fi adventure game by Pixel Spill – is on its way, launching next year.

Remember the Cold War, comrade? You don��t? Or maybe you just don’t want to? Either way I know a little something that should help in overcoming your Committee-induced amnesia. Take a look at Outreach, a space-adventure game developed by Pixel Spill, heading to PC in 2017. It focuses on all the conspiracy theories you wouldn’t believe were actually real, and sends the poor player on a mission to investigate the events that occurred on an abandoned Soviet military space station. But why is the crew gone? Or actually – is it really?

Not only will the player have to reach that seemingly out-of-reach spot stuck in space; they will need to survive in a zero-gravity environment, doing so by pushing every obstacle that happens to get in their way off with their hands and feet. Also, do you still remember how easy it was to drift off into the void if you hadn’t grabbed something in time? Yeah, the guy travelling out there won’t be missing out on that either.

Still – that’s not all, but for more info to come, you will have to wait patiently.