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News video games 28 August 2023, 00:09

author: Kamil Kleszyk

First Gameplay Trailer for Shooter Co-written by Director of District 9

Gunzilla Games has unveiled the first gameplay trailer for Off the Grid. This online sci-fi shooter is being developed under the watchful eye of director Neill Blomkamp.

Source: Gunzilla Games

Work on the creation of Off the Grid involves Neill Blomkamp, director of such sci-fi blockbusters as District 9, Chappie or Elysium. This information alone can capture the imagination of many gamers. And if we add to this the fact that he is assisted by, among others, Olivier Henriota, who previously worked, among others, on the Far Cry and Assassin's Creed series, we have the right to hope for quite an interesting project.

Will the developers not disappoint us? We will find out after the game's release. Nevertheless, the first conclusions can be drawn from the first gameplay trailer of Off the Grid. The footage released by Gunzilla Games gives us a look at the gameplay of the upcoming network shooter. See and judge for yourself.

The main element of the video, which attracts attention (in addition, of course, to the somewhat crazy commando-streamer), are the ways of moving around the map in Off the Grid. The developers have provided players with a wide selection of means of transportation, ranging from armored vehicles to jet packs and a rope hooked behind a train.

And while the footage may be impressive, what stings in the eyes is the stuttering image during gameplay. Keep in mind, however, that the game is still in development, so the developers will probably improve its optimization.

Release date of Off the Grid is not yet known. It is only known that the game will appear on PC and PS5 and XSX/S consoles.

  1. Off the Grid - official website

Kamil Kleszyk

Kamil Kleszyk

At deals with various jobs. So you can expect from him both news about the farming simulator and a text about the impact of Johnny Depp's trial on the future of Pirates of the Caribbean. Introvert by vocation. Since childhood, he felt a closer connection to humanities than to exact sciences. When after years of learning came a time of stagnation, he preferred to call it his "search for a life purpose." In the end, he decided to fight for a better future, which led him to the place where he is today.
