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News video games 11 June 2020, 23:05

author: Jacob Blazewicz

New Trailer of Little Devil Inside; Coming to PS5

During Sony's show, the release of Little Devil Inside on PlayStation 5 was revealed, as well as a new trailer of the game.

Little Devil Inside will appear also on Sony's console.

The Sony conference brought with it a new trailer of Little Devil Inside. It was confirmed that the game funded on Kickstarter will hit not only PC, but also PlayStation 5. The funny footage from this action game with RPG and survival elements from Neostream is available below.

Jacob Blazewicz

Jacob Blazewicz

Graduated with a master's degree in Polish Studies from the University of Warsaw with a thesis dedicated to this very subject. Started his adventure with in 2015, writing in the Newsroom and later also in the film and technology sections (also contributed to the Encyclopedia). Interested in video games (and not only video games) for years. He began with platform games and, to this day, remains a big fan of them (including Metroidvania). Also shows interest in card games (including paper), fighting games, soulslikes, and basically everything about games as such. Marvels at pixelated characters from games dating back to the time of the Game Boy (if not older).
