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News guides 17 May 2023, 12:36

author: Adam Adamczyk

Mechabellum Counter List for Each Unit

Thanks to this guide you will learn the counters to each unit in Mechabellum. We have also described the weaknesses of mechs.

Mechabellum is a very warmly received early access game on Steam, in which we direct mechs, upgrade them and fight enemies. Each machine differs in its attack power, speed and other stats. Thanks to this guide you will get to know the list of counters of each unit in Mechabellum and thus learn which mech is effective against another machine.

List of counter units in Mechabellum

In Mechabellum you will find many interesting mechs that have different statistics. We described them here. It is worth remembering though that specific machines are effective against selected opponents. Below we present this correlation.


  1. Effective against: Archlight, Rhino, Sledgehammer
  2. Weak against: Melting Point, Steel Ball, Phoenix


  1. Effective against: Archlight, Sledgehammer, Steel Ball, Overlord
  2. Weak against: Crawler, Fang


  1. Effective against: Fang, Crawler, Mustang
  2. Weak against: Steel Ball, Melting Point, Marksman

Melting Point

  1. Effective against: Rhino, Vulcan, Fortress, Overlord
  2. Weak against: Crawler, Fang, Phoenix, Marksman


  1. Effective against: Fang, Crawler, Archlight
  2. Weak against: Melting Point, Steel Ball, Phoenix


  1. Effective against: ground units
  2. Weak against: Fang, Mustang, Archlight


  1. Effective against: Wasp, Fang, Crawler, Phoenix
  2. Weak against: Archlight, Vulcan, Sledgehammer

Steel Ball

  1. Effective against: Rhino, Archlight, Fortress, Vulcan
  2. Weak against: Crawler, Fang, Phoenix, Marksman


  1. Effective against: Marksman, Steel Ball, Phoenix, Melting Point.
  2. Weak against: Vulcan, Rhino, Mustang, Archlight, Stormcaller.


  1. Effective against: Marksman, Steel Ball, Phoenix.
  2. Weak against: Vulvan, Rhino, Mustang, Archlight.


  1. Effective against: Wasp, Stormcaller
  2. Weak against: Melting Point, Marksman, Phoenix, Mustang


  1. Effective against: Fang, Sledgehammer, Archlight, Marksman
  2. Weak against: Phoenix, Rhino


  1. Effective against: Archlight, Vulcan, Fanf
  2. Weak against: Stell Ball, Fortress, Phoenix, Melting Point


  1. Effective against: Archlight, Melting Point
  2. Weak against: Fang, Crawler


  1. Effective against: Fang, Crawler, Mustang
  2. Weak against: Steel Ball, Marksman, Sledgehammer, Phoenix


  1. Effective against: Sledgehammer, Steel Ball, Archlight, Marksman
  2. Weak against: Bullseye, Fang, Wasp, Crawler

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Adam Adamczyk

Adam Adamczyk

Has been writing professionally since 2013. In 2021, he joined, where in addition to gaming topics, he deals with strictly technological information. Worked with the largest music stores in Poland, creating articles related to instruments and generally understood sound design. Interested in computer games since childhood. On top of that, his interests include playing the guitar, composing music, and strength sports.
