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News video games 08 June 2021, 20:02

author: Filip Wegrzyn

Mass Effect Legendary Edition Publisher Quietly Removes Denuvo

Another publisher resigns from Denuvo support. This time it's about the Mass Effect: Legendary Edition set. The most interesting thing, however, is that EA got rid of the software without any announcements.

Yesterday's update for Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, one of the most awaited released, not only introduced a separate option to freely change the language version between dubbing and subtitles and improved the overall performance of the game on PC but also removed the known anti-piracy software from the PC version. EA's decision to get rid of Denuvo from the revamped edition was made without any information being included in the update's changelog.

It is unknown why the controversial software disappeared from the games included in the Legendary Edition so quickly (especially without any notice from the devs). It's typical for companies to disable the system after about a year or a bit less after the release. However, EA decided to do so after less than a month. This is all the more surprising because the game sold very well at launch.

Filip Wegrzyn

Filip Wegrzyn

Joined in November 2020. At first, he worked as a newsman, later he supported the Paid Products department in collaborations with external services as a leading editor, and currently he is the editor of the Technology department. Since he was young, he knew that writing was giving him a lot of satisfaction. He began his adventure with the pen by writing stories set in post-apocalyptic and fantasy worlds. He chose advertising organization and sales as his education path, hence his brief time working at influencer marketing. A fan of Bethesda and FromSoftware RPGs. He also loves online shooters, survival games with base building, cooperative games and horrors.
