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News Files and Mods 10 January 2022, 14:21

author: Adrian Werner

Farming Simulator 22 - Best Mods for Beginning

Farming Simulator 22 was released just a month ago, so the modding community is barely getting started, yet there's already quite a few useful mods available for FS 22, and they will surely make your adventure more fun.

Farming Simulator 22, the latest installment of the hit series of farming simulators, was released a month ago. The series is famous for its active modding community, so we can look at the most interesting mods that have been made for FS 22 so far.

On the official website with mods, you will find plenty of offers, and many others are also available on other portals. Most of them add new machines, objects or maps. Regardless of what you exactly need, all of these places have plenty of interesting stuff. In the article, we decided to focus mainly on mods that improve gameplay and make the fun more enjoyable, as they should be most useful for most players.

Patrick Yxu Homa, the author of our guide to FS 22, helped a lot in creating this article:

  1. Farming Simulator 22 Game Guide

Production Pack – paradise for production chains

Farming Simulator 22 - Best Mods for Beginning - picture #1

The mod expands the game with elements that allow you to create more goods using production chains. We can not only increase the number of products for sale, but also provide ourselves, for example, with fuel for our own use.

The project adds new facilities, such as greenhouses of various sizes and a calcium production plant. It allows creating additional types of feed and produce independently, including seeds and road salt. The mod greatly expands the process of planning our farm's activities and provides a lot of fun.

  1. Production Pack – download mod

Government Subsidy – Oh socialism

Farming Simulator 22 - Best Mods for Beginning - picture #2

The Goverment Subsidy mod allows you to benefit from in-game subsidies. There are two types of these – state-owned, in the amount of USD 100 million a year, and communal, in the amount of USD 100 thousand. per year.

  1. Government Subsidy – download mod

Place Anywhere – no restrictions on the placement of buildings

In turn, Place Anywhere removes the restrictions on the placement of buildings in the game. There are two prerequisites: the area where we want to place an object must be ours and we need the required resources.

So, we gain more freedom in organizing the farm. We can erect buildings much closer to each other. You can even arrange them so that they clip, although it is not a very aesthetic solution.

  1. Place Anywhere – download mod

Guidance Steering – GPS to the field

Farming Simulator 22 - Best Mods for Beginning - picture #3

FS 22 also quickly got its own version of one of the most important mods for Farming Simulator 19. Guidance Steering aids steering by displaying lines that help us control the machines precisely in the fields.

The mod is simple, but very useful, and we can configure it to a large extent, adjusting it to our preferences.

  1. Guidance Steering – download mod

AutoTurnOff TurnLights – more fun-to-use blinkers

AutoTurnOff TurnLights is another simple, but very useful modification. The design means that we no longer have to manually use the turn signals. The game will do it for us as we are making a turn.

  1. AutoTurnOff TurnLights – download mod

Everyone needs an Autoload mod

Farming Simulator 22 - Best Mods for Beginning - picture #4

If you venture into any major site dedicated to mods for Farming Simulator 22, you will notice that there are tons of projects with "Autoload" in the name. There is a good reason for this. Handling pallets is so frequent and tiring that you sometimes get the feeling that half your game time is wasted on it.

Autoload mods change that by offering platforms to automatically load pallets onto trailers. There are many projects of this type and most of them work well. We propose starting with Farmtech DPW 1800 Autoload.

  1. Farmtech DPW 1800 Autoload – download mod

Collect Straw At Missions – collect hay

Farming Simulator 22 - Best Mods for Beginning - picture #5

In turn, Collect Straw At Missions allows you to collect hay from the field with a baler and a feed car after completing the mission. This adds realism to the game and is also useful, as straw is an important resource in the game.

  1. Collect Straw At Missions – download mod

Super Strength – a strongman on a farm

Super Strength is another modification that should be included in the modding arsenal of every virtual farmer. The project allows you to activate a super strength for our character. It's basically a cheat, but even people who don't traditionally play such things may be interested, as this option helps to deal with errors that cause strange positioning of objects. After dealing with such a problem, the mod can be turned off and fun can continue.

  1. Super Strength – download mod

Manual Attach – for fans of realism

Farming Simulator 22 - Best Mods for Beginning - picture #6

Unlike the mods mentioned previously, Manual Attach is not for everyone. Fans of realism, though, will love it. The project requires manual attachment/detachment of tools and trailers – we can't do it comfortably from the cabin anymore. We always have to do it ourselves.

  1. Manual Attach – download mod

What about consoles?

This article focuses on PC mods. Of the modifications mentioned above, only the Government Subsidy is also available on Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5

Console owners, however, have access to a slew of new facilities and machines. Both there and on the PC, there's a menu that allows you to install projects directly from the official mod hub, although not all fan productions are available there.

Adrian Werner

Adrian Werner

A true veteran of the Gamepressure newsroom, writing continuously since 2009 and still not having enough. He caught the gaming bug thanks to playing on his friend's ZX Spectrum. Then he switched to his own Commodore 64, and after a short adventure with 16-bit consoles, he forever entrusted his heart to PC games. A fan of niche productions, especially adventure games, RPGs and games of the immersive sim genre, as well as a mod enthusiast. Apart from games, he devourers stories in every form - books, series, movies, and comics.
