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News video games 16 June 2015, 15:21

E3 2015: Next Hitman Announced – See the First Trailer

To our surprise, during its E3 press conference Sony revealed the first trailer for the sixth installment in the Hitman series. Although the information was scarce, we can at least be sure that we haven’t seen the last of the new production at the event.

Although there was no doubt that the sixth installment in the Hitman series was in development, and the moment of its announcement was getting closer, hardly anyone expected it to happen at the E3 Sony conference. And yet, soon after the presentation of the Japanese giant kicked off we saw a trailer of the latest work by IO Interactive. Admittedly, no in-game content was shown, “merely” a CGI trailer, but it was still worth taking a look (see it above), especially since it was very atmospheric. As for the game itself, we only learned that it would be “the most ambitious Hitman ever created”, most likely will remain without a subtitle, and will offer locations scattered around the world which will become ”bigger, deeper and more vibrant.”

E3 2015: Next Hitman Announced – See the First Trailer - picture #1
As it turns out, Agent 47 eventually decided to go to Los Angeles.

It was also announced that PlayStation 4 gamers will be awarded bonueses. Those who submit pre-orders will get access to exclusive beta tests, and for a year after the launch they will receive six unique contracts.

Christopher Mysiak

Christopher Mysiak

Associated with since 2013, first as a co-worker, and since 2017 - a member of the Editorial team. Currently the head of the Game Encyclopedia. His older brother - a game collector and player - sparked his interest in electronic entertainment. He got an education as a librarian/infobroker - but he did not follow in the footsteps of Deckard Cain or the Shadow Broker. Before he moved from Krakow to Poznan in 2020, he was remembered for attending Tolkien conventions, owning a Subaru Impreza, and swinging a sword in the company's parking lot.
