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News video games 12 March 2022, 13:50

author: Adrian Werner

Dune: Spice Wars Devs Revealed Smugglers Faction

Shiro Games has revealed the third playable faction from in Dune: Spice Wars. Turns out it's Smugglers.

Shiro Games presented another playable faction featured in the strategy game Dune: Spice Wars. It turned out to be Smugglers.

Smugglers as a playable faction in Dune: Spice Wars

Recall that so far we got to know two factions in the game - houses Atreides and Harkonnen. When the creators announced that they will soon reveal the third one, everyone expected it to be the Fremen, so the announcement of Smugglers came as a big surprise.

It is worth adding that in Dune: Spice Wars we are to find a total of four factions, so the Fremen may still turn out to be one of them.

Smugglers - basic information

  1. This faction specializes in the distribution of Spice outside of official channels. This is a very profitable business, so Smugglers can be found on most inhabited planets, where they have a great influence on local politics.
  2. The leader of the faction will be Esmar Tuek - the most respected Smuggler on Arrakis. He has contacts among the Fremen as well as the Space Guild and the major houses.
  3. Tuek will be assisted by four advisors - Drisq, Bannerjee, Lingar Bewt and his son - Staban Tuek.
Dune: Spice Wars Devs Revealed Smugglers Faction - picture #1

Gamplay as Smugglers

  1. Smugglers will begin playing near the poles of Arrakis and because of this, they will encounter other factions relatively quickly.
  2. Smugglers will be able to infiltrate the villages of other factions, enabling them to take advantage of existing infrastructure.
  3. The Smugglers faction will act like parasites, creating illegal organizations in the power centers of other groups and taking every opportunity to make money.

Smugglers' unique units

Smugglers will have a number of unique units, including:

  1. Scavengers - assassins who will do anything for easy money. They prefer to attack weak units, and their strength increases as enemy stocks dwindle.
  2. Wreckers - use chemical weapons to reduce enemy forces and make it easier for allies to loot.
  3. Snipers - units with the longest attack range on Arrakis. Thanks to their camouflage, snipers are perfect for eliminating fleeing enemy forces.
  4. Free Company - the most famous assassins and bounty hunters in the Empire, equipped with double swords and stealth equipment. Additionally, they can mimic the skills of their targets during combat.
  5. Combat Drone - a maneuverable mechanical unit designed for autonomous combat, supporting smuggler troops.

RDune: Spice Wars is coming exclusively for PC. This year the game will debut in Steam Early Access, and in 2023 version 1.0 will be released.

  1. Shiro Games - official website
  2. Dune: Spice Wars on Steam

Adrian Werner

Adrian Werner

A true veteran of the Gamepressure newsroom, writing continuously since 2009 and still not having enough. He caught the gaming bug thanks to playing on his friend's ZX Spectrum. Then he switched to his own Commodore 64, and after a short adventure with 16-bit consoles, he forever entrusted his heart to PC games. A fan of niche productions, especially adventure games, RPGs and games of the immersive sim genre, as well as a mod enthusiast. Apart from games, he devourers stories in every form - books, series, movies, and comics.
