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News video games 20 March 2023, 13:59

author: Adrian Werner

Classic Deux Ex to be Brought to Unreal Engine 5

New video footage from DXU24, the project that will port the first part of Deus Ex to the Unreal Engine 5 engine, has hit the web.

Deus Ex remains one of the best entries in the category of immersive sim, but there's no denying that the game is badly outdated. Therefore, many fans are making attempts to refresh this classic. One of the most promising projects is DXU24, which will port the game to Unreal Engine 5.

The creator of the project has just released a new video showing the progress of the work. You can watch it below. It includes a comparison of how various elements of the game work in the original using Unreal Engine 1 and in the UE5 version.

An interesting approach to revitalizing Deux Ex

The creator has an interesting approach to revitalizing Deus Ex. Instead of creating a standalone game, DXU24 will be using data from the original version and interpreting it for the new engine. So don't expect improved textures and models. Instead, we will get nicer lighting and objects.

In fact, it's not the improved visuals that are at stake in DXU24. By porting the game to a newer engine, full compatibility with modern PCs will be ensured. Bugs will also be removed, and fans will be given much more freedom to create mods. Thanks to this, the project can become the foundation on which the future of Deus Ex will be built. An additional advantage will be the implementation of a VR mode.

Not only Deux Ex

Unfortunately, for now we do not know the planned release date. It is worth adding that the program developed by the author will not necessarily be limited to the first Deus Exa. The developer is focusing on that game, but has shown that DXU24 also works, for example, with Unreal Tournament 99. Ultimately, therefore, the project can be used to refresh any game that uses Unreal Engine 1.

Finally, it should be mentioned that if you are looking for a project that improves textures and models in Deus Ex, then you should take a look at the Revision and Total Graphic Overhaul projects.

Adrian Werner

Adrian Werner

A true veteran of the Gamepressure newsroom, writing continuously since 2009 and still not having enough. He caught the gaming bug thanks to playing on his friend's ZX Spectrum. Then he switched to his own Commodore 64, and after a short adventure with 16-bit consoles, he forever entrusted his heart to PC games. A fan of niche productions, especially adventure games, RPGs and games of the immersive sim genre, as well as a mod enthusiast. Apart from games, he devourers stories in every form - books, series, movies, and comics.
