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News video games 04 November 2016, 15:05

author: luckie

Captain a sail ship and survive in Abandon Ship, FTL-inspired tactical game

Abandon Ship will let you become a sail ship captain, roam the seas, and face countless dangers in a procedurally generated world. It will also teach you a lesson on losing everything you've got and having to rebuild your position from scratch.

If you’ve always dreamed of becoming a captain of an 18th-century sail ship roaming the unexplored seas full of enemy vessels and deadly monsters, you should definitely keep an eye on Abandon Ship, a tactical strategy in the fashion of FTL: Faster Than Light and Sunless Sea. In this game by indie studio Fireblade Software you’ll get to command a ship and her crew while exploring procedurally generated world, completing quests, fighting naval battles, and dealing with all sorts of random events.

As you can imagine, this will be a brutal adventure, and it won’t be uncommon for the player to be forced to abandon their ship. And while your character’s death is permanent, losing your vessel doesn’t mean the end of the story. Even if you escape on a lifeboat or get stranded in the water, you can still survive and get back on your feet. Abandon Ship’s Steam page description also talks about the consequences of your actions: quests may transform the environment and friends or enemies you make may either help you out in need or prove to be your doom.

Another interesting aspect of the game is its art style inspired by naval oil paintings. Abandon Ship is going to launch on PC some time in 2017.