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News video games 07 June 2016, 10:43

author: luckie

Agents of Mayhem is an open-world action game from Saints Row creators

Saints Row developer, Deep Silver Volition, announced they're working on Agents of Mayhem, an open-world action game about super agents and supervillains.

A week before E3, Deep Silver Volition surprised the gaming community by announcing their next project via IGN. The studio that gave us Saints Row and Red Faction is currently working on Agents of Mayhem, which is an open-world action game – the genre the developer apparently feels best at. Besides that we know little about gameplay, but there are reasons to believe it will be somewhat close to Volition’s previous works. Instead, there is an official reveal trailer (posted on IGN’s YouTube channel) that lets us peer into the story.

Agents of Mayhem is going to be set in Seul, North Korea. The city is being terrorized by supervillains called League of Evil Gentlemen Intent on Obliterating Nations, or L.E.G.I.O.N., lead by Dr Babylon. Fortunately, the vile organization is countered by super agents of M.A.Y.H.E.M., Multinational Agency for Hunting Evil Masterminds. Interestingly, Agents of Mayhem is to be set in the same universe as the Saints Row games were. The game is slated for release in 2017 on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.

Agents of Mayhem is an open-world action game from Saints Row creators - picture #1
The trio of agents will spare no resources on saving the world from villains.
Agents of Mayhem is an open-world action game from Saints Row creators - picture #2
The heroes will have unique skills to complement for one another.
Agents of Mayhem is an open-world action game from Saints Row creators - picture #3
Gameplay will probably be similar to the latest Saints Row games.