Nato leaders are meeting for its 75th anniversary summit amid tensions within their countries, and Europe’s battery industry is feeling the impact of the global slowdown in electric car sales. Plus, the FT’s Sara Germano explains the reasons behind Nike’s worst single-day performance on the stock market since 1980.

Mentioned in this podcast:

Nato allies to pledge €40bn for Ukraine amid domestic turmoil

Europe’s battery industry hit by EV slowdown and Chinese competition

Downturn of the Swoosh: how Nike took its eye off the ball

Air Jordan commercial

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The FT News Briefing is produced by Fiona Symon, Sonja Hutson, Kasia Broussalian and Marc Filippino. Additional help from Michela Tindera, Breen Turner, Sam Giovinco, Peter Barber, Michael Lello, David da Silva and Gavin Kallmann. Our engineer is Monica Lopez. Our intern is Prakriti Panwar. Topher Forhecz is the FT’s executive producer. The FT’s global head of audio is Cheryl Brumley. The show’s theme song is by Metaphor Music.

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