Helping Starbreeze to define a new era of gaming

Our Client

Starbreeze Studios, a Swedish gaming company renowned for their FPS game title Payday, approached Friday during their brand re-positioning exercise. They required a new website that would have an updated focus, primarily targeting key audiences, while incorporating a refreshed tone of voice and updated branding.

The Challenge

Starbreeze has undergone significant transformations both as a company and a brand in recent years. However, their current website remains outdated, failing to effectively represent the brand, its work, culture, vision, and goals. This deficiency has made it more difficult to attract talent and forge partnerships, consequently impeding opportunities for growth.

The Solution

In order to alter audience perceptions, the new website for Starbreeze had to embody their distinctive edge and personality. Through close collaboration with the Starbreeze team, we conducted user research to understand audience needs and devised a solution that catered to all their core personas. Attention was paid to the information architecture and user journey, ensuring that users not only achieved their goals but also experienced the impact of the company’s robust culture throughout the process.

The website was constructed using headless WordPress, resulting in optimal scores for core web vitals and perceived performance, enhancing the user experience.

"It's awesome to see the result, looks great, and it's a joy to have something that is anchored in the current state of the business, and also ready to support our future."

Petra Takeva, Chief Growth Officer | Starbreeze

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