
Gavin Duff3rd July 2024Gavin Duff

Most Content is Ignored

Most content is not good. Most content is not read by anybody. Most of your […]

Gavin Duff14th May 2024Gavin Duff

No, SEO is Still Not Dead.

If I read one more article proclaiming that AI will kill SEO, I’m going to […]

Gavin Duff25th April 2023Gavin Duff

Should you use ChatGPT to create your blog posts?

If you use ChatGPT to write your blog posts then you’re turning up to a gunfight with a knife. AI should not fuel your content strategy.

Gavin Duff10th September 2019Gavin Duff

Where Has All The Good Content Gone?

The internet is being flooded by content that has absolutely no value. Content for the sake of content. And it must stop.

Gavin Duff26th July 2019Gavin Duff

How Long Should My Blog Posts Be?

If this headline caught your attention and you’ve come here looking for the answer, you’ll be disappointed. But don’t go anywhere, this is still relevant…

Dave Jackson10th June 2019Dave Jackson

Making the Case for Using Title Case or sentence case in UX Design and Digital Marketing

Dave explores the relatively new phenomenon of using title case online in UX and marketing. He searches for the rules of use to settle the score with Gavin and Martin.