Author: Gavin Duff

Gavin Duff23rd July 2024Gavin Duff

There’s No Such Thing As Perfect Attribution

You’re scrolling through Instagram when a sponsored post catches your eye. It’s from an online […]

Gavin Duff3rd July 2024Gavin Duff

Most Content is Ignored

Most content is not good. Most content is not read by anybody. Most of your […]

Gavin Duff14th May 2024Gavin Duff

No, SEO is Still Not Dead.

If I read one more article proclaiming that AI will kill SEO, I’m going to […]

Gavin Duff11th December 2023Gavin Duff

Echo Chambers: The Argument for Awareness Campaigns

Digital marketing often traps us within ‘echo chambers’, knowingly or not. ‘Echo chambers’ are spaces […]

Gavin Duff12th July 2023Gavin Duff

The Crucial Role of UX in Digital Marketing

User Experience (UX) is a fundamental component of a successful digital marketing strategy. And rightly so.

Gavin Duff16th May 2023Gavin Duff

A New Way to Search: Google’s Generative AI

In the ever-evolving world of SEO, AI has already played a pivotal role in transforming various aspects of how we search. Google in particular have been at the forefront of utilising AI to enhance user experiences, improve search quality, and support the discovery of relevant information.