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Synonyms for velar

a consonant produced with the back of the tongue touching or near the soft palate

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produced with the back of the tongue touching or near the soft palate (as 'k' in 'cat' and 'g' in 'gun' and 'ng' in 'sing')

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Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
The inside of a Velar cabin gives one a zen like feel as the wind and road noise are minimised through the use of aerodynamic undertrays and acoustically laminated front glazing.
A few pre-production cars escaped from the factory wearing Velar badges - and if you think early Range Rovers are changing hands for telephone number money then don't ask the price tag for an original Velar - if you can even find one of the handful believed still to be in existence.
Velar is a medium-sized, versatile vehicle that took luxury up a level and introduced the latest technology that will be a model for the future of Range Rover.
"If we didn't think about proportion, that would've been fine--if we didn't mind the Velar looking like the dog's dinner," he says.
L'habitacle du Range Rover Velar respire l'elegance en toute simplicite.
According to Sachin Lawande, Visteon president and CEO, "The Velar is the first vehicle to feature Visteon's latest-generation, fully reconfigurable instrument cluster technology, which incorporates significantly enhanced software capabilities and processing power."
The 1967 Range Rover prototypes were codenamed Velar - meaning to veil - an example of industrial subterfuge to conceal what the company was really up to.
Burrow and Bhattacharya collect some examples of velar /k g/ + labial /p b/ in Pengo language.15 Where the intensive-frequentative or plural suffixes /-pa/ and /-ba/ interact with velars as a result of which metathesis occurs.
(1, 12, 13) This is the classic velar morphology of described earlier in the literature.
Some specific subjects addressed include Middle English, the elimination of velar fricatives, secondary agent constructions from a diachronic perspective, and J.
The results show that the overall direction of increase in the VOT for plosives in Pashto and English is from labial to coronal to velar but Pashto retroflex [] does not accord with this directionality.
Table 7: Burst and mean VOT of velar stops in Hindko
That is, burst duration of medial plosives was shorter in Estonian than in Finnish only in the velar place of articulation, but in the velar place the difference was very clear.