test-tube baby

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a baby conceived by fertilization that occurs outside the mother's body

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References in periodicals archive ?
Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh) [India], Jun 9 ( ANI ): Uttar Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Dinesh Sharma has tendered apology for his earlier remark where he said that Sita, the central figures in the Hindu epic, was India's "first test-tube baby".
Brown was the first test-tube baby that set a new benchmark for what science and technology could do to improve the lives of people suffering from infertility.
28, 1981, about three years after the world's first test-tube baby, Louise Brown, was born in England.
Her birth on July 25, 1978, gave hope to infertile couples as she was the first test-tube baby, born after in vitro fertilisation.
He added that although ICSI has helped cure many cases of sterility, repeated failure might be due to chosen sperm being abnormal, something that cannot be seen by the ordinary microscopes used at test-tube baby centers.
The world's first test-tube baby has given birth to a child of her own, it was reported today.
1978: The first test-tube baby - a girl named Louise Joy Brown- was born in Oldham General Hospital.
Not only did Brown's birth mark a major milestone, but so did her conception, as she was the world's first test-tube baby. At the time, opponents of the technology argued that in vitro fertilization (IVF) would take us on a slippery slope to more dangerous manipulations of human beings, with ever-graver moral implications.
Carr, the first test-tube baby in America, interned last summer at the Norfolk, Va.-based newspaper The Virginian-Pilot.
His answer was not what I expected: "Honey, you're a test-tube baby."
"A quarter of a century ago the first test-tube baby, Louise Brown, was born," noted the London Independent on July 1st.
LOUISE Brown, the world's first test-tube baby, celebrated her 25th birthday yesterday with a party held at the fertility clinic founded by the doctors who gave her life.
PRINCE Edward's wife Sophie Wessex has been trying for a year to have a test-tube baby.
The year 1978 showcased another biologically loaded debut, one that momentarily inspired far more fear and panic than The Boys From Brazil: the birth of Louise Brown as the world's first "test-tube baby." "Is it dehumanizing," asked Time, "a step that is to be condemned because it puts the moment of creation outside the body into a mechanical environment?"
In fact, there had been two decades of research in animals on IVF, and the protesters failed to block the Norfolk clinic from producing its first test-tube baby a year later.