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Synonyms for symphonic

characterized by harmony of sound

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Synonyms for symphonic

harmonious in sound


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Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Don't worry - the hugely popular Doctor Who Symphonic Spectacular is to materialise in Cardiff next year.
Jalloul Ayed, Interim Finance Minister, amateur of symphonic music and known for his symphony "Hannibal Barca," as well as several ambassadors accredited in Tunis.
Izmir State Symphonic Orchestra and State Opera singers performed a special repertoire including songs in Turkish and English as well as Kurdish and Armenian.
The "symphonic" in the title alludes to Painter's intention to study critical reactions in the German cultural sphere to the German symphonic tradition.
The brass musicians will play Sparke's The Year of the Dragon, Torstein Aargard- Nilsen's Norwegian Dance and Ravel's Bolero, plus Symphonic Marches by John Williams and Dances from Bernstein's West Side Story.
Apart from Symphonic Variations, her most significant created role, barefoot and rhapsodic, was in Ashton's 1940 Dante Sonata.
The Symphonic Sketches are really like a small symphony, divided into four brief tone poems: "Jubilee," a bombastically festive piece; "Noel," a slow, tranquil movement; "Hobgoblin," the most creative composition on the disc and very reminiscent of Mendelssohn again or Mussorgsky; and "A Vagrom Ballad" (vagrant's song), a kind of impressionistic, tongue-in-cheek affair.
This book provides a fascinating picture of two towering figures in the development of jazz: one, Paul Whiteman, is now largely overlooked in favor of Louis Armstrong, typically seen as the "King of Jazz." But it was not always so--that title was once given to Whiteman--and Joshua Berrett makes a compelling case for the contributions of the classically trained Whiteman, a musician whose efforts to promote "symphonic jazz" led to the commissioning of George Gershwin to create his epochal Rhapsody in Blue.
CDs with big symphonic performances (like these) are selling poorly; such music is fading from radio; concert audiences are made up of geezers; and several major-city orchestras face collapse.
Under Kathryn's leadership, the Fund has provided financing for several other projects and industries, including; The Shooting Gallery, a film production studio; a new recording studio with one of only two rooms in the city large enough to accommodate a full symphonic orchestra, a computer monitor recycling facility; and several incubators for digital media.
Unlike operas and symphonies, which more easily transcend their period, the symphonic poem is very much a phenomenon of the nineteenth century.
The new songs are much more celebratory than before, and the best of them, "Found Love" (a collaboration with Knuckles and orchestrator Peter Schwartz), evokes the symphonic best of Diana Ross and Donna Summer.
On Saturday, May 5 the John Hersey School Symphonic Band will give it's seventeenth performance at the Illinois SuperState Concert Band Festival at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, this year as the Class AAA Honor Band.