squeeze play

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Synonyms for squeeze play

an aggressive attempt to compel acquiescence by the concentration or manipulation of power

a baseball play in which a runner on third base tries to score as the batter bunts the pitch

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References in periodicals archive ?
Was that also part of the squeeze play? I know Ben Diokno will stand his ground and there are many of us in media who will stand with him!
Yes, Gael Bigirimana is a promising talent who along with Vurnon Anita was always ready to close people down and squeeze play - a trait not taken up by others - but then we are struggling for positives.
MUSIC legends Squeeze play Birmingham's Symphony Hall tomorrow night.
Their last survey, "Squeeze Play: How Parents and the Public Look at Higher Education Today," was conducted in early 2007 when the economy was strong.
The other side of the squeeze play involves the declining value of airframes.
Squeeze Play: The AZ Immigration Law, MLB, and the Diamondbacks (http://bizofbaseball.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=4326:squeeze-play-the-az-immigration-law-and-the-diamondbackssqueeze-play-az-immigration-law-mlb-and-the-diamondbacks&catid=26:editorials&Itemid=39)
Seeds and fertilizer have to be purchased every year, and each year calls for increasing amounts of fertilizer and pesticides and less profits, leaving the farmer in a squeeze play. Eventually the small farmer cannot afford the seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides for biotechnological food production.
This type of squeeze play always reduces true value and mutually beneficial relationships to a level where no one wins and dividing lines get drawn.
But it's definitely not over." "We tried to squeeze play up the pitch as much as we could, to keep the pressure on Arsenal.
Late game heroics were an early theme for the Hogs, with two walk off home runs and a squeeze play accounting for three of the four early season NCAA tournament resume friendly victories.
Already, IAAEve almost lost the right side-view mirror in a squeeze play exiting the Palisades Parkway and entering the ramp to the George Washington Bridge.
At the time of this writing, it was stalled in Congress, caught in a political squeeze play. Dobbs has been describing free trade agreements in those terms for years, pointing out that they are not "fait" and are costing Americans their jobs.