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Words related to springlike

resembling a spring or the action of a spring

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References in periodicals archive ?
You start with a joke day, you are cold yet warm, rainy yet dry, wintry yet springlike. You're the month where it's so bright we can't go out without our sunglasses on, but sometimes still so nipple-freezingly cold, we have to wear our thermal brassieres.
Because the text of spring is marked by hints, ellipses, lines dotted on an empty azure, and because the gaps between the syllables are filled by frivolous guesses and surmises of birds, my story, like that text, will follow many different tracks and will be punctuated by springlike dashes, sighs, and dots.
He has presumably been kept offthe track in anticipation for better, springlike ground and can illustrate the point racing offa mark of 131.
He has presumably been kept off the track in anticipation for better, springlike ground and can illustrate the point racing off a mark of 131.
Elasticity-based mechanism for the collective motion of self-propelled particles with springlike interactions: A model system for natural and artificial swarms.
Sunday was the 291st day of the year, so that means residents have enjoyed springlike temperatures for more than half of 2015.
"With the onset of warmer, springlike temperatures and an earlier Easter, consumers will likely shake off the winter blues and retail sales should rebound."
Thanks to our continent's expanse and diverse geography, you can find springlike conditions and a good bass bite along a continuum of locations that generally mirror the latitudinal gradient from the Gulf of Mexico to the Arctic Circle, but with variances brought on by coastal and elevation effects.
Then, the bot releases oxygen and a bit of butane into the springlike limb from a canister stashed inside the body.
As fillies thrive in springlike conditions, you would expect her to improve over Sky Khan today, but you still have to think there is something in the race to beat her -- and that's WHISPERING WARRIOR.
Some areas expected a double whammy: warm, springlike air combined with heavy rains that could compound the problem and turn the big melt into a muddy, damaging mess.
It needs to be said that to get this springlike fishing three months early takes perfect conditions.
Today the breeze is moist, springlike, not the typical Vegas blast.
The reflection of the flower petals in the beveled mirrored-glass shelves gives the feminine Naive its springlike dress.