significant other

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Synonyms for significant other

a person (not necessarily a spouse) with whom you cohabit and share a long-term sexual relationship

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Beliefs about unsportspersonlike play--self-beliefs and perceived beliefs of significant others. First, participants were asked to write down a sport they were currently or recently involved in and to answer questions based on that sport.
Additionally, several participants expressed concern about their significant other's health status and described a feeling of concern over the individual's safety when he/she was alone: "I worry constantly because her balance is off and I, when I'm at work, I'm afraid that she might take a fall ...
The perceived benefits and challenges to involving family members and significant others in a healthy lifestyle intervention are presented in Table 1, and we elaborate on them below.
When deciding whether it is safe and appropriate to teach a nursing activity to a client or significant other, RNs should consider the following questions:
The purpose of this study was to identify the needs of individuals with MS and their significant others by using a patient-derived needs-assessment questionnaire.
All but 3% of the significant others were women; about half were white and the other half Hispanic.
The authors offer sample language for introducing the topic of abusive behavior; guidelines to conduct a functional analysis of such behavior; and ideas for developing safer responses by concerned significant others that may affect the likelihood of violent outbursts in the household.
SIGNIFICANT OTHERS: His aunt Dorothy, who looked after him when his parents were at work.
Counseling could also involve family members and significant others. If a client has finally "accepted" their hearing loss and the need for the hearing aid, family members need to be educated about the disorder.
Davis and her co-workers at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) observed that among the 1,011 45- to 54-year-old men they studied, 23 percent of those living with family, "significant others" or other nonrelatives died within 10 years--a rate identical to that in men who lived alone.
Maria chose to spend time with their significant others in the country's summer capital.
Xbox One's promotion, titled "We got your back", came in the form of a letter designed to help would-be purchasers convince their significant others that the console was versatile and a good investment.
of Arkansas examine how social construction and the development of identity apply to treatments for aphasia and interventions for significant others. The authors assert that different disorders cause different perceptions of patients' perceptions of self.
A couple of years ago, when "Alias" was at its zenith, the studio rushed out a little-seen Jennifer Garner drama called "Significant Others." The show was an ensemble built around Jennifer Love Hewitt, but that didn't stop Sony from marketing the title as a Garner vehicle.
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