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Synonyms for seeking

the act of searching for something


Related Words

an attempt to acquire or gain something

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
"Over the years broad-banding and compensation awarded for disability with income tax exemption has led to a rise in personnel seeking disability, even for lifestyle diseases.
The acquisition of CressCap Investment Research will allow Seeking Alpha to offer stock ratings to investors through quantitative analysis on stocks
So they set out on life's grand adventure seeking God and encountered the One who fulfilled their longings and changed their lives forever.
There is a higher healthcare seeking in urban areas compared to that in rural areas.
We investigated the relationship between sexual sensation seeking and technology use for sex purposes of heterosexual men and men who have sex with men (MSM) from different geographic locations.
This paper aims to investigate information seeking anxiety in postgraduate students.
The Chief Minister tabled the demand for grant for seeking approval for expenditure of over Rs 6 billion on head of Levies.
Feedback seeking refers to "the effort to ask others for information concerning work behavior and work performance" (Qian et al., 2015, p.
International contributors in economics, business, and law examine rent seeking, defined here as the use of resources unproductively to claim output or wealth that already exists or to seek policies that create privileged benefits.
In picture six the police are seeking the identity of this male to assist with an investigation at Ferry Pawnbrokers in Station Road, Queensferry, on October 21.
In other words, people have different degrees of sensation seeking, whereby in certain people there is a significantly higher level of sensation seeking than certain other people.
The Bank of New York Mellon: Plaintiff seeking declaratory relief voiding nonjudicial foreclosure.
The former chairman of the board is running for a spot left open by Donald Steadman, who is not seeking re-election.
Protests against the government for failing curb crime against women has travelled from the streets of India the Supreme Court in the form PILs seeking its intervention in the matter.
Likewise, with no Democrats on the Executive Council, the Democratic candidates seeking election to that body are all "new" although two of them are seeking to regain seats held prior to the Republican sweep of two years.