oral stage

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Synonyms for oral stage

(psychoanalysis) the first sexual and social stage of an infant's development

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References in periodicals archive ?
For instance, Freud's theory of psychosexual stages focuses on the oral stage of development in the first year of life.
Therapy included thermal tactile stimulation, which increases sensory awareness in the oral cavity and decreases the delay between oral stage of the swallow and the onset of the trigger of the pharyngeal swallow.
He stresses the importance of an oral stage that is never entirely overcome, and that finds its echoes in the sounds uttered by infants, in the gurgles and rumbles of the body, and in dialect (151).
Proceedings at the ICJ include a written stage and an oral stage. At the written stage of proceedings, the parties submit pleadings containing statements about the facts of the dispute and law.
The clinician will: (1) visually inspect and assess ROM, strength, and coordination of individual oral structures, including lips, tongue (anterior, middle, and posterior), and soft palate; and (2) assess the functional movement patterns required for the oral stage of swallowing, including food bolus manipulation during chewing, cohesive food bolus formation, anterior-to-posterior transit of cohesive food bolus, and transfer or dropping of food bolus into pharynx.