of age

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having attained a specific age


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References in periodicals archive ?
In recent years, biologists have created real-life Dorian Grays: mice that don't show certain signs of age. But in both the story and the lab, there were trade-offs.
Despite international agreements and national laws, marriage of girls <18 years of age is common worldwide and affects millions.
However, lead's effects on IQ cannot be detected until about 4 or 5 years of age, when IQ becomes testable.
Breaux ironically decided to leave politics partly because of age. Now 60, Breaux said his 35 years in government--including 14 in the House of Representatives and 18 in the U.S.
In Coming Of Age With Aging Parents: The Bungles, Battles, And Blessings, eldercare specialist Gail Goeller (who garnered real-world experience through tending to the needs and necessities of her own aging family of five) offers a wealth of anecdotal experience and practical advice through real-life stories that deal with everything from late-night phone calls and parental self-diagnosis, to managing angry outbursts, all manner of emergencies, care-giver burnout, and end-of-life requests.
Since the late 1970's the average age of retirement in Canada declined from 65 years of age to 61 years, but the boomers appear to be prepared to buck that trend with there being a wide variation in the age at which Canadians plan to retire.
Asked how old they had been when they first got drunk, 3% of respondents said they had been no older than 12, 71% answered 13-18 years of age and 16% said 19 or older; 11% said they had never been intoxicated.
population is over 60 years of age; by 2030, estimates place that number at 25 percent.
Statistics project that by 2011, there will be more than 45 million Americans 65 years of age or older.
In children younger than 3 years of age, surgery is also complicated by dehydration, poor oral intake of fluids and solids, and upper airway problems, especially in cases where adenotonsillectomy has been performed to resolve breathing problems.
Yet much of the published research has focused on students 25 years of age or older.
As young high flyers take on senior management roles and more mature people return to the work force in lower level jobs, the management pyramid is increasingly textured in terms of age. This is particularly evident in high technology, banking and consultancy sectors where younger people play a central role in delivering the product or service.
Example 1: The local age of majority in the jurisdiction is 21 years of age. Child X will be 18 years old on May 15, 1997, and 21 years old on May 15, 2000.
The largest proportion of those served nationally are 76 years of age and older.