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Words related to obstruent

a consonant that is produced with a partial or complete blockage of the airflow from the lungs through the nose or mouth

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References in periodicals archive ?
(43) In the process, they also came to a consensus regarding three orthographic issues not easily managed in a traditional fanqie notation: the explicit identification of tones, of medials, and of voicing in obstruent initials.
(22.) A ce dernier chapitre, on n'a qu'a penser au mouvement de protestation des pilotes de navires qui obstruent le port de Montreal au mois de juin 1834, en vue de denoncer le monopole des familles Molson et Torrance sur la navigation dans les eaux du Saint-Laurent, ou a l'Association des aubergistes licencies de Montreal qui s'oppose l'annee suivante au monopole de la fabrication de biere, qui entraine un prix excessif pour ce produit.
followed by obstruent and liquids it is split up by a division like /mistral as mis.tral/ /castro as cas.trol and Iesplanade as es.planade/.
peuvent passer dans le sang pour aller provoquer des fissures dans les plaques calcifiees sur les parois des arteres: ce qui stimule la formation de caillots qui obstruent l'artere.
Turning to the recent political and security developments in Iraq Al-Hashemi said "The differences in views is exist but we are going on to overcome those differences which obstruent the building of new Iraq or restoring its health."
Editors Fuchs, Toda and Zygis describe in their introduction that a complete understanding of obstruent sounds would require experts from fields as far ranging as phonology, dentistry and aerodynamics.
The spirantization of stops to fricatives *K > *X word-finally and before an obstruent suffix has no parallel in Balto-Slavic, where the glottalic stops were implosives, as they still are in Sindhi (cf.
The primary focus of this paper is LR's ongoing convergence to a ser to distinguishing phonetic and phonological elements shared between the two source languages, including: final obstruent devoicing, glottalization, and final consonant deletion.
This is examined in a study on the acquisition of vowel duration cues to final obstruent voicing in English by speakers of Swedish, a language with vowel duration contrasts but no final voicing distinction.
If it were the case that obstruent + fricative sequences were universally less marked than obstruent + stop sequences, then we could have an explanation for the selection of [a:rdsag[??]rt] and [kosslu[??]] rather than *[a:rdtag[??]rt] and *[kostlu[??]].
(a.) 1 = Syllable Omission; 2 = Consonant Sequence Omission; 3 = Prevocalic Singleton Omission; 4 = Postvocalic Singleton Omission; 5 = Strident Deficiencies; 6 = Velar Obstruent Deficiencies; 7 = Liquid(1) Deficiencies; 8 = Liquid Deficiencies; 9 = Nasal Deficiencies; 10 = Glide Deficiencies.