mug's game

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Words related to mug's game

a futile or unprofitable endeavor

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References in periodicals archive ?
If the Liberal Democrats decide propping this Tory government up is a mug's game and withdraw their support pronto, they will be performing a real service for the majority of UK inhabitants.
Somehow, with our thirst for sleaze and expenses vengeance, we have managed to turn an honourable profession into what looks increasingly like a mug's game.
We've known all along, from the people who said mankind would never fly to those who thought early steam vehicles were more promising than the internal combustion engine, that technology forecasting is a mug's game: fun, but tangential to reality.
THEY say trying to understand modern art is a mug's game - and that's certainly the case at a Birmingham gallery.
If, like most of the nation, you lost a few quid on the Grand National yesterday you'll be reflecting on the old saying that racing is a mug's game.
So it was a pleasant surprise when Kate Taylor, a regular columnist for The Globe and Mail, hit the nail on the head with a piece she wrote back in February entitled "Film tax credits are starting to look like a mug's game." (The Globe and Mail, 2/23/05.)
THE POLLS AS I write make it a mug's game to bet on the outcome of the presidential election.
Predicting the future is a mug's game; it can only make you look foolish.
But in the media economics of the 1990s, struggling for survival can be a mug's game. Money is needed not only for debt retirement but for operating capital, direct-mail subscription solicitations and investment in future growth.
"There is no doubt we have a mountain to climb but the lesson of the last few years in politics [is that making] forecasts is a mug's game."
It's an ideal gift for all those who believe buying a football club is a mug's game.
5 mug's game NOW this is what we call a personalised mug.
IT'S A MUG'S GAME These pretty porcelains look good for cooking, dunking or dipping Brown 'By The Shed' mug, [euro]12.75, Debenhams Who doesn't want cats on their cup?
The Rab C Nesbitt and Sea Of Souls star, who shot to fame as a teenager in Glasgow gang film Small Faces, worked with Ken and Donna on another production, A Mug's Game.
It's a mug's game - and another mug is now doing time.