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Synonyms for milksop

a person who behaves in a childish, weak, or spoiled way

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Synonyms for milksop

a timid man or boy considered childish or unassertive

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References in classic literature ?
"Better a thousand times he should be a milksop than what he, Hunsden, calls 'a fine lad;' and moreover she says that if Hunsden were to become a fixture in the neighbourhood, and were not a mere comet, coming and going, no one knows how, when, where, or why, she should be quite uneasy till she had got Victor away to a school at least a hundred miles off; for that with his mutinous maxims and unpractical dogmas, he would ruin a score of children."
The step must, however, be taken, and it shall be; for, though Frances will not make a milksop of her son, she will accustom him to a style of treatment, a forbearance, a congenial tenderness, he will meet with from none else.
Could not the men whom they despised as milksops beat them, even on their own ground?
They throve in a pathological atmosphere of cynical distrust on the one hand and milksop sentiment on the other.
YESTERDAY'S SOLUTIONS WEE THINKER ACROSS: 7 Avocado 9 Eight 10 Tessa 11 Premier 12 Tub 13 Stitches 16 Extracts 17 Pew 19 Milksop 21 Audit 22 Sense 23 Epistle.
Theresa May highlights her own weakness by keeping him as a human shield to deter leadership challengers when any half-decent Prime Minister would fire the treacherous, lying milksop.
It might be difficult to appreciate how kind, kindly, and kindness have any "edge," fine or otherwise; they might seem like the lexical refuge of a milksop rather than a discerning demand for agency informed by compassion.
Much in the way that milksop of a Health Secretary of ours will stop wasting NHS cash on homeopathy, or water as we call it around here.
It must have been all the parts of him that refused to grow up--that voice, the milksop muscles draggling him away from my table, a mind that kept writing sentences like First thing to discuss about this book is and was incapable of anything but summarizing--that made the world look full of wolves to him.
Cromwell may have read the letters; it is certainly likely he was acquainted with their contents, but they do not provide evidence to confirm the Grey-inspired scenario of Old Noll dashing his pen through the milksop phrases of Thurloe.
"Don't worry, I'll do fine alone with your 'bright, accommodating milksop." Milksop?
The son is a milksop who is under his mother's thumb -- too intimidated to tell her that Silvia is pregnant.
But where does the milksop that is Prince Andrew get off summoning busy ministers to see him?
Although Sparrow is the central figure, a milksop who falls prey to the matron's daughter, it is Pasquale's Grimsdyke who dominates proceedings with his comic asides, larger-than-life actions and pure silliness.
"Butnowyou,myownfather,asif I were some milksop, by secretly writing to GBH on my behalf, have elected to slam that door in my face.