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Synonyms for liverwort

any of numerous small green nonvascular plants of the class Hepaticopsida growing in wet places and resembling green seaweeds or leafy mosses

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Munoz and his colleagues combed botanical records to see what mosses, liverworts, lichens, and members of the group that includes ferns grew at the study sites, which were mostly islands.
The unidentified leafy liverwort formed a tangled mat on the floor of the lake, and this was associated with steeper, less stable slopes in the lakes, suggesting that this growth form may be associated with rapid colonization.
Clark (1953) made the first significant contribution to the knowledge of the liverwort flora of Cocos.
[gamma]-Tubulin and microtubule organization during meiosis in the liverwort Ricciocarpus natans (Ricciaceae).
Chapter nine: early land plants today: liverwort species diversity and the relationship with higher taxonomy and higher plants.
Trasplanting the leafy liverwort Herbertus hutchinsiae: a suitable conservation tool to maintain oceanic-montane liverwort-rich heat?
They are classified into three relevant phyla known as Bryophyta (Moss), Marchantiophyta (Liverwort) and Anthocerotophyta (Hornwort).
Five dammarane-type triterpenoids, five pentacyclic triterpenoids (three of them carrying a carboxylic acid group), and two aromadendrane-type sesquiterpenoids were isolated from an Argentinian collection of the liverwort Lepidozia chordulifera.
When the red hue is visible, the tri-lobed leaves evoke the liver by their shape and reddish coloring, thus explaining the plant's more common name of Liverwort. This delicate perennial flowers in early spring, covering wooded hillsides with blue, white, or pinkish blossoms.
Peter Scott, by email Hi Peter, This is a liverwort. It's a bit like an algae or moss and flourishes in damp and shady conditions.
SLs are also found in other genera namely liverwort (Frullania) tulip tree (Liriodendron Magnoliacea) and sweetbay (Lauraceae Laurus nobilis).
brasiliensis is a noteworthy leafy liverwort; it was first cited for the province of Salta by Jack & Stephani (1895) in "Cuesta de San Rosa and Rio Seco pr.