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Synonyms for lingual

a consonant that is produced with the tongue and other speech organs

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consisting of or related to language


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References in periodicals archive ?
Metastasis to the lingual lymph node in carcinoma of the tongue.
In this study, the radiographic image was also obtained after placing a thin metal wire into the interalveolar foramen of the lingual, which was subsequently fixed with premixed calcium hydroxide paste with iodoform, to evaluate the orifice as described in a previous study.[sup][13] The presence of foramina/canals was evaluated, again, on each radiographic film with/without the wire insertion (the radiopacity of the wire made the identification of the foramina easier).
Including the current case, there have only been 72 reported instances of lingual osseous choristoma [1-4].
El objetivo del presente articulo fue describir la variacion anatomica en el origen y distribucion de la arteria lingual del caprino.
Pedunculated lingual osseous choristomas can clinically mimic papillomas.
Lingual thyroid is one of the commonest manifestations of ectopic thyroid tissue.
Lifelong thyroid suppression therapy is warranted for all patients with lingual thyroid (9) (strength of recommendation [SOR]: C).
They established a classification as well: the foramina located up the genial spines are denoted as superior genial spinal foramina and involve the branches of lingual artery, vein, and nerve.
One vallate papillae with concave shape and numerous taste bud that surrounded by cleft were between posterior of lingual body and root.
Difficulties encountered in lingual therapy and their subsequent solutions
Computer-simulated, cadaveric and retrospective studies have shown a significant risk of lingual plate perforations (LPP) related to dental implant insertion in the posterior mandibular region (Leong et al.; Huang et al., 2015; Clark et al.).
Aytu BioScience announced the publication of a clinical study in the journal Pharmacy and Pharmacology, demonstrating that ZolpiMist, Aytu BioScience's lingual spray formulation of zolpidem, achieves sleep onset more quickly than the oral tablet form of zolpidem in patients seeking short-term treatment for insomnia.
KeyWords: Anterior teeth measurements, Complete denture fabrication, Occlusal vertical dimension, Lingual frenum.