hang around

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"It's tough to hang around people who are super successful without developing an inferiority complex," he says.
I don't feel your future lies here and there aren't the amount of games here that's going to satisfy you.'" On the risk of one or more unwanted players deciding to hang around, Gerrard was emphatic.
"All we can do is hang around. There is a youth club at the local school but it is only open during term time and not during the holidays.
"There are plenty of activities for young people to do during the summer and we'd really encourage them to get involved so they don't have to hang around on the street."
* Shaz: What about all these young kids that hang around? Kids who are up to no good need to be stopped.
I believe youngsters will just move to an area where they are not placed if they want to hang around and certainly will not bother a determined criminal.
COVENTRY flyweight James Mulhern is in no mood to hang around after making a winning start to his professional career.
All I can say is it's obvious that they don't live near shops where teenagers hang around outside kicking cans, talking very loud and intimidating any older passers-by.
In the Belle Vue area of Beechwood ward there have been four OAPs mugged in the last few months and residents tell me they see gangs of youths, day and night, crossing Marton Road from the direction of Grove Hill only to hang around on their street corners drinking, smashing bottles and even constructing dens behind Aldi and on the site of the former remand home on Farndale Road, leaving behind much litter and the usual drug material.
It has no effect on people of all ages when they just come to the shop but it does affect young people if they hang around for a period of time.
One of the mysteries of life, like why no talents/ low raters like her, Bill Maher, Keith Olbermann, and Al Franken still hang around....
The full monty for the architecture section is www.pingmag.jp/category/architecture/ but there are so many delights on the home page that you will want to hang around here nibbling tasty morsels of general design stuff.
If scientists kidnap all adult females from a wasp nest, the young males--which normally just hang around without working--will pitch in and feed at least some of the larvae, researchers find.