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Synonyms for concordant

being of the same opinion


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We then fit logistic regression models for each of the six diabetes quality metrics (three testing and three control) to assess the relationship between the achievement of each quality metric and the patient's concordant condition class.
The unadjusted analysis showed that couples with a concordant unintended pregnancy (father - mother -) had greater odds of having a child who was never breastfed or breastfed less than six months.
It can be inferred, therefore, that cases of dizygotic twins concordant for both DS and CHD are extremely rare.
Comparing questions and office-based practice, 58% of questions (2,010) involving 145 conditions were categorized as concordant. Comparing questions and hospital stays only, 42% of questions (1,456) involving 122 conditions were categorized as concordant.
The use of SAD increased significantly (P [less than or equal to] 0.05) the precision (0.72 to 0.87), accuracy (0.91 to 0.98) and concordant correlation coefficient (0.66 to 0.86), in relation to OLS severity assessment without SAD.
Using residuals, for both comparisons with nonHDLc to apo B (Table 1) and to LDLp (Table 2), women with discordant high apo B or LDLp generally had a higher baseline prevalence of CHD risk factors, particularly cardiometabolic risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes, and increased hsCRP, compared with those in the concordant and discordant low apo B or LDLp groups, and MetS was significantly more prevalent among women with discordant high apo B and LDLp (P < 0.001).
Further analysis was conducted to compare outcomes from the GEP test and AJCC tool when risk prediction was not concordant.
A useful alternative approach to examine this issue is to compare monozygotic twins concordant and discordant for schizophrenia with healthy twin pairs.
A table listing the SOP indexes and their concordant FD-ID indexes is available at
Around the same time, they became concordant with the nascent concept of cyborg as they both represented in themselves and became associated with various types of new technology.
Al-Jaafari also hailed the great efforts exerted by the Russian side in setting a concordant agenda.
Spearman's rank coefficient was used to investigate correlations between V[O.sub.2]max-discordant and concordant MZ twins.
Among couples with unmet need; 41-49% were concordant (that is, both partners reported having unmet need); the remaining couples had discordant unmet need, reported either by the wife only (33-40%) or the husband only (15-23%).
Parveen Ali, Lecturer, School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Sheffield; Reducing communication barriers through language concordant communication and nurses from the BME community