common sorrel

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Synonyms for common sorrel

large sour-tasting arrowhead-shaped leaves used in salads and sauces

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References in periodicals archive ?
There are five of us on this foraging trip, and after an hour-and-a-half we finally managed to find one common sorrel plant.
The good news is that over the next month, common sorrel plants will start to flourish so your foraging trip might be a little more successful than mine.
Chopped common sorrel makes a terrific addition to green salads, and the lemony leaves are excellent in the cracked wheat salad known as tabouli.
Another common sorrel is 'Profusion,' an unusual patented variety that mutated naturally in France to produce plants that never run to seed, always have fresh, ready-to-pick leaves, and have no known natural enemies aside from deer, rabbits, chickens and goats.
Upland meadow flowers include wood crane's-bill, lady's mantle, pignut, globe flower, red clover, meadow vetchling, great burnet, ragged robin, melancholy thistle, meadow buttercup, selfheal, ribwort plantain, common knapweed, rough hawkbit, meadow saxifrage, devil's-bit scabious, sneezewort and common sorrel.