cheap shot

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Words related to cheap shot

an unnecessarily aggressive and unfair remark directed at a defenseless person

an illegal and unsportsmanlike act of unnecessary violence

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References in periodicals archive ?
"But for a young lad who has been injured badly recently, it was a cheap shot. That's why I reacted, and I was proud of the players how they reacted, protecting a young player, which is how it should be.
Those things seem worth giving up the chance to take a cheap shot at someone I disagree with.
But he has also rounded on his opponents for their aggressive approach to the contest, claiming they were guilty of a host of "cheap shots".
"It is a really cheap shot at somebody who has no right of reply and they know will not sue for libel."
We disagree that it was a cheap shot because the only comment made was, "Where else would you find a sequestered approach than Liberal, Kansas?"
MUCH as I enjoyed Mike Lockley's column about the Remembrance Parade, I thought it was a cheap shot to reel out stereotypes.
RUGBY UNION PREMIER Rugby chief executive Mark McCafferty has dismissed Warren Gatland's criticism of the Guinness Premiership as a "cheap shot".
"Those who were shocked at President Obama's cheap shot at the Cambridge police for being 'stupid' in arresting Henry Louis Gates must have been among those who let their wishes prevail over the obvious implications of Obama's 20 years of association with the Reverend Jeremiah Wright.
Brawls erupted throughout the evening, the worst of which was when substitute Thomas Genevois landed a cheap shot on Courtney Lawes who was then attacked by a posse of Bourgoin players.
It is a cheap shot for the Local Government Association to describe the Act as "catastrophic" when councils already have increased powers to close badly-run premises.
"If someone gets a cheap shot in a game, you remember it, don't you?
Comedian Brand makes his living and maintains his profile through controversy, but using a crime which ruined hard-working children's charity work to get a giggle is a cheap shot.
One hallmark of Moore's films has been the cheap shot. Here he discovers that the detainees at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp have free health care, and he charters boats to bring Americans who got sick working at Ground Zero to get some of that medical attention.
Commonweal writer Eugene McCarraher took a cheap shot at Teilhard in its Nov.
A new report that claims the city is undervaluing Manhattan properties by as much as 50 percent has been slammed as a "cheap shot" by the real estate industry.