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Synonyms for caulescent

(of plants) producing a well-developed stem above ground

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References in periodicals archive ?
monticola but differs from this species by its terrestrial growth, caulescent habit with a stem 15-20 cm in lenght (vs.
Herbs perennial or subshrubs, caulescent or acaulescent, base of the stem with a tuft of rust-colored woolly hairs.
Herbs annual or perennial, caulescent to acaulescent and scapose, woolly to silky.
Herbs annual or perennial, caulescent. Leaves glabrous to pubescent; basal leaves rosulate; petiolate, sessile to clasping; blades linear, lanceolate, ovate to orbicular, palmately to pinnately veined, margin entire, lyrate to pinnatisect; upper leaves alternate, reduced; clasping.
abyssicola differs from it by its long caulescent habit, with stems 60-180 cm long (vs.
However, the new species differs from it by its long caulescent habit, with stem 60-180 cm long (vs.
are diminutive caulescent annuals, with short semi-cylindrical leaves and often prostrate stems, which constitute much of the photosynthetic surface area.
Plant terrestrial, caulescent, stem 1.5-2.0m long, covered by old, dried leaves, flowering to 2.66 m, forming dense groups, propagating by 4 to 6 shoots produced at the base of the inflorescence after anthesis.
The caulescent one with finer leaves and more bluish petals was known as 'Nez Misso' by Ken Woods but known as 'Bergeranthus' by Chris Larson!
Plant terrestrial, stemless to short caulescent before anthesis, ca.
Plant terrestrial or saxicolous, caulescent, stems 12-15 cm long, ca.