capital of Sweden

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the capital and largest city of Sweden

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References in periodicals archive ?
Both companies, headquartered in Sweden, recently announced support for Internet of Things (IoT) and are part of the infrastructure in Intel's IoT Ignition Lab in Kista, located just outside Stockholm the capital of Sweden. Sweden was recently named the second most innovative country in the Bloomberg 2017 innovation index.
The capital of Sweden, Stockholm, was founded in the year 1252.
On June 10-11, 2014 delegation of Kazakh parliamentarians led by Deputy Speaker of the Mazhilis Dariga Nazarbayeva paid a working visit to the capital of Sweden Stockholm.
You don't need to be a DCI to spot the link between these crimes because this is Ystad, murder capital of Sweden, with a death rate matched only by our own county of Midsomer.
15 What is the capital of Sweden? 16 In geography, in which East Anglian county is Sutton Hoo, an early Anglo-Saxon burial site?
In the capital of Sweden, Stockholm, heavy traffic represents 10 percent of
For a chance, tell me the capital of Sweden. Entries as DVD comp, below.
Its large fishing sheds make it the herring capital of Sweden - most of the country's catch is landed here.
Stockholm is the economic and political capital of Sweden with a population of 795,163 and a labor force of 442,500.