blue baby

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an infant born with a bluish color

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References in periodicals archive ?
Exposure to excessive nitrate in drinking water causes serious health problems, including Methemoglobinemia or blue baby syndrome in infants.
Landeros is determined to maintain her vision of keeping Blue Baby Bum a wholesome, parent-friendly company that not only employs stay at home moms but also focuses in making the world a better place for less privileged children.
The gallery is owned by Johnny R of R-bennig Records, Radio-D and Budgie Blue Baby Pink Films, and shows artsworks by himself and Joe Foot, Llyr Dyfan, Orwel Williams, Lowri Mai Roberts, Phil Lee Bran and Cassie Stephens' Model Shots.
Two-year-old Karen, who had blue baby syndrome, had just survived major surgery to repair her heart.
Fish-shaped blue cloud in a ruby sky and a blue baby with its head
Though most babies are found to be healthy, a number of them suffers from the 'blue baby syndrome', the commonest genetic malfunction in newborns.
AILYN AGONIA DOHA FILIPINA expatriate Miracle Liwag is leaving no stone unturned in her bid to save the life of her three-year old daughter Naomi Nicolette, diagnosed with congenital heart disease, Tetralogy of Fallot, also known as blue baby syndrome.
Blue Baby, Peter Pan and Streamline are useful dwarf or compact varieties, and at the other end of the scale Sunfield is a giant with very large flower heads.
Another disease prevalent in the area is the blue baby syndrome.
Aston Villa fan James is desperate for his son to follow the Villains, and even bought him a Claret and Blue baby grow.
Earlier, Palestinian baby Seraj Abujaraad, who suffered from blue baby syndrome, had also flown out to Turkey after a similar emergency medical evacuation with the co-operation of the Egyptian Government.
Turkish State Minister and European Union Chief Negotiator of Turkey Egemen Bagis visit Blue baby on Sunday.
Gaza's Seraj Abujaard, who had a heart failure by birth (blue baby syndrome), had been brought to Turkey and treated, and now completely recovered.
Carol was found wearing her blue baby doll night-dress, arms bound tightly and with tape over her eyes.