alveolar consonant

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Synonyms for alveolar consonant

a consonant articulated with the tip of the tongue near the gum ridge

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
/m/ guru m 'wild pig' gurumdi 'the/a wild pig' /n/ [k.sup.hh]alman 'camel' [k.sup.hh]almandi 'the/a camel' /n/ karurj 'tent' karurjdi 'the/a tent' In addition to voicing assimilation, when /-di/ is attached to a word ending in an oral alveolar consonant there is also full manner assimilation.
It has cognates in PPD with a following alveolar consonant. It is not certain if the PZ parent form is /*qat/ or /*kat/.
It may also inhibit tongue elevation, and consequently cause articulation disorders pertaining the alveolar consonants [sz] [z] [cz] [dz] [l] [r] Polish [8,14].
This strong statement was provided with a clearly laid out counterposition: "It would be controverted if, for example, a given language were shown to have dental and alveolar consonants which both had apical articulations" (Chomsky and Halle 1968: 312).
The development may have been as follows: stage 1: emergence of centralized allophones of vowels conditioned by following retroflex, domal or alveolar consonants; stage 2: loss of conditioning factors; stage 3: emergence of new centralized vowel phonemes resulting in phonemic contrast, cf.