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Words related to acinus

one of the small drupes making up an aggregate or multiple fruit like a blackberry

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one of the small sacs or saclike dilations in a compound gland

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References in periodicals archive ?
In conclusion, rats treated with deslorelin were immunohistochemically investigated, and their lectin activity showed positive reactions in serous acinus, pars initialis, pars secretory, and pars excretory in all three groups as well as increased lectin activity severity in Group 2.
Caption: Figure 2: Schematic representation of the hepatic lobule and acinus. The acinus is the physiological unit of the liver and is divided into three zones, according to distance from the afferent arterial supply.
In paraseptal emphysema, almost the entire proximal part of the acinus is normal, whereas distal alveolar ducts and sacs are abnormal (Figure 4).
Ballooning of acinus with sloughing of epithelia or cystic acinus are seen (Fig: 15).
The Pitt research team and collaborators are creating models of the functional unit of the liver, called the acinus, using human liver cells and eventually liver cells derived from precursor cells known as induced pluripotcnt stem cells, as well as three additional cell types.
Although some studies investigated the effects of diabetes and/or menopause, it was hard to find the sufficient analysis that examined morphological changes, the content of secretion or stereological analysis of acinus epithelium on parotid gland with diabetic or ovaryectomized effects.
Histological examination of these PAR1-null mice treated with ethanol-DNBS along with PAR1-TF revealed very little leukocyte infiltrate, healthy prostatic acinus, stroma, and epithelium (data not shown) and markedly attenuated histological tissue damage and MPO activity, similar to the effect of the PAR1-activating peptide in the wild-type mice (Figure 8(d)).
Measurements were made of the acinus diameter in male and female gonads, and of spermatozoid acrosome length.
Higher labeling indices (percentage of acinus area immunoreactive for AQP-5) in the biopsies were found in SS patients who had taken DCEL This study demonstrated that D.
In atypical spermatogenesis, sperm develop from small clusters of cells (i.e., sperm morulae floating free in the lumen of the acinus of the testis).
The number of eggs found in each ovarian tubule (acinus), the number of mature egg number per acinus, and egg size were highest for females at this temperature, indicating increased fecundity and gametogenic maturity.
Cells were identified as spermatogonia/spermatocytes, spermatids, spermatozoa and multinucleated inclusions based on size, shape, intensity of staining and position in the acinus. Multinucleated inclusions (i.e., sperm morulae) consist of 1-8 masses of decondensed DNA surrounded by a thin layer of cytoplasm (Kotrla, 1989).