abandoned infant

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Synonyms for abandoned infant

a child who has been abandoned and whose parents are unknown


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References in periodicals archive ?
merely publish notification of an abandoned infant in local newspapers
Eric Swedin's article "Designing Babies: A Eugenics Race with China?" (May-June 2006) overlooks a very real and current trend in China: Thousands of abandoned infant girls have been exported from China for adoptions, most of them coming to the United States.
Then, they find a nun at an orphanage who remembers Milagros as an abandoned infant and the details of her adoption.
Then he came across the huge dump - and found an abandoned infant girl near death, half covered with trash.
Talking to, Lala mentioned that after meeting Edhi he returned to his hometown where he found body of an abandoned infant whom no one was ready to bury.
After a brief rest from her engagement at the University of Iloilo, Poe will make her way to Jaro, where a local churchgoer had found her, an abandoned infant, in the holy water font of the Jaro Metropolitan Cathedral.
Kon's characters - a drag queen, a runaway high school girl and a former professional bicycle racer - pick up an abandoned infant from a garbage dump on Christmas Day and set out to find its parents.
"Thanks Maa", a 12-year-old street kid's search for an abandoned infant's mother in Mumbai, has used real street kids and real locations and the cast includes Master Shams, Master Salman, and Master Fayaaz.
When young loner Raymond Toker (Henry Thomas, in a sensitive, restrained performance) happens upon an abandoned infant in the woods, he unwittingly sets off a chain of events that will transform his life.
The dilemma arises because an abandoned infant cannot prove this.
Based on a briefer from the National Statistics Office, a foundling is a deserted or abandoned infant or child found or a child committed to the DSWD or duly licensed institution, with unknown facts of birth and parentage.
However, police said it took them just a few hours to arrest the Indonesian mother of the abandoned infant.
Five of them are for abandoned infants and orphans.
Edhi Foundation has rescued over 20,000 abandoned infants, trained over 40,000 nurses and taken care of not less than 50,000 orphans until now.
During debate on the law last week, the Shura Council approved removing the term "abandoned infants" from official documentation and replacing it with "newborns of unknown parents".