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References in periodicals archive ?
TABLE 1.--Total number of visitors observed from each group to Euphorbia and to Sisyrinchium in Euphorbia's presence and absence.
Despite this, poinsettias, like all euphorbia, contain a milky sap which can cause severe irritation if it comes into contact with the skin, so take care around these plants.
It's also the only euphorbia to have a zinging red colour scheme.
In many ways, the Didiereaceae is Madagascar's ecological equivalent of the New World's cacti and the large cactus-like African euphorbias. The family's taxonomic position is uncertain; they are now included in the order Caryophyllales and are thought to be closely related to the families Cactaceae and Aizoaceae.
Euphorbia lagascae gets its name from the Greek word euphobos, meaning "well-fed," because of its fat stems.
Roseberg, who is working on Euphorbia studies largely without direct funding and pretty much in his spare time, hopes that eventually the plant will be a viable cash crop for marginal land in Southern Oregon.
Mutagenesis in Euphorbia lagascae: Induction of novel variability for breeding purposes, p.
Mr Doleman of Quinton has a Euphorbia Wulfenni and wants to know where he should plant it.
The Euphorbia lathyris, or gopher plant, produces an oil-based latex as well as fermentable sugars and cellulose.
QI Daryl, via email AI LIKE alchemilla mollis and euphorbia cyparissas.
Daryl, via email LIKE alchemilla mollis and euphorbia cyparissas.
List of plant species identified Sub group Q1a included Achyranthesasper, Euphorbia hirta, Cucumismeloagrestis, Opuntiamonacantha, Tribulusterrestris, Oxalis corniculata, Vicia sativa and Verbena tenuisecta but were dominated by Vicia sativa and Verbena tenuisecta so the name assigned to this group was Vicia-Verbena.