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Hades has sold 1m copies

Hell yeah.

Promotional artwork for Hades showing protagonist Zagreus posing moodily with a sword slung over his shoulder.
Image credit: Supergiant Games

Hades, the Greek underworld roguelike made by Supergiant Games, has now shifted an impressive 1m copies.

The game first came out in early access in December 2018, and during that time managed to sell over 700k units, but since the game's full release on PC and Switch last Thursday that number has increased by over 300k.

"To all our Early Access players: Thank you so much," Supergiant said on Twitter. "We designed Hades for Early Access, believing you could help us make a better game. That's just what you did."

Perhaps it's no wonder that Hades is seeing commercial success, as both players and critics have praised the game for its fast-paced combat and gorgeous visuals. "What's surprising about Hades, to me at least, is how gutsy it is, how vitally in love with connection it is," Christian Donlan wrote in Eurogamer's review. "It lives to clobber. Room after room of hell. You turn up and wait for horrors. The horrors arrive and, jeepers, you shred them. You pulverise them. I have never felt so sorry for the stuff of nightmares."

Importantly, you can also pet a three-headed dog.

Before working on Hades, Supergiant was known for several other acclaimed titles including Pyre, Transistor and Bastion. Hades was in early access for two years, but the time spent there clearly paid off - and was apparently a riot in its own right.

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