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About Jimmy²

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  1. Thanks to you guys for having me on as the special guest, I had a blast :D Roll on next year!
  2. @Tristan Thanks so much for playing and commenting mate, and keep kickin ass 👍
  3. Jimmy²

    Doom 2 textures for Doom 1?

    Here's one I prepared for my own purposes, hopefully it works for you! d2gfxd1
  4. Jimmy²

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    I LOVE the idea of a Garden of Eden that's just spewing blood from the sky, although I will admit the blood rain seems a tad excessive and probably would be a bit distracting in-game? Would have to see it in motion to be sure, though. Keep it up, though, I'll enjoy playing this!
  5. @Obsidian Ah so that was you! I'll add your name to the credits text file, sorry for missing your name out. @galileo31dos01 Thanks for the reports! Will fix the shooting issue in MAP01. @Bytefyre Many thanks! Have added the lump you've provided.
  6. Jimmy²

    Share Your Sprites!

    ^ Guys, that's two posts in a row making rather brazen requests to someone who's just posting a sprite sheet of their own work, geez, settle down.
  7. Sorry, for some reason the download link got messed up when I edited the post earlier. Download RC1
  8. Voyager EP is a single-player/co-op WAD containing five adventurous, space-themed maps, offering a wide range of gameplay experiences ranging from fierce action to gentle exploration. Each map took direct inspiration from one of the five tracks featured on Tristan Clark's Voyager EP, released in 2021. This mapset was created to show our appreciation for @Tristan and his extremely respectable body of work, musical and otherwise, and additionally to commemorate his 27th birthday this July! Truthfully, I wanted to release a set like this exactly one year ago, but Life™ got in the way. Special thanks to the mappers who got involved with this project with me, @Dragonfly for testing, and of course to Tristan for being such a MIDI magician all these years. Happy birthday, mate! 🎂 (Go buy his music! https://tristanclark.bandcamp.com) ----- Download "Voyager EP" RC1 (11.7MB): DSDADoom or GZDoom required. Dropbox Mirror ----- Name: Voyager EP Map Format: MBF21 Ports Tested: DSDADoom 0.27.5 and GZDoom 4.12.2 only. IWAD: doom2.wad Maps: MAP01-05 Music: All by Tristan Clark! Gameplay: Single-play only (co-op starts placed, but no testing so far) Difficulty Settings: Yes Multiplayer Placement: None Build Time: 1 month Textures: Zoon-tex 3.1, plus skies by @muumi, @Eradrop & @Dragonfly Requirements: No jumping or crouching. Freelook permitted. ----- Map list: MAP01: Hyperspace Highway by @RiviTheWarlock MAP02: Earthglow by @Jimmy² MAP03: Voyager by @Alper002, @Remmirath, @KeaganDunn & @Jimmy² MAP04: Dark Matter by @KeaganDunn MAP05: Event Horizon by @Remmirath -----
  9. Jimmy²

    Share Your Sprites!

    Gordoom Ramsay
  10. Jimmy²

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    Skewed textures are a thing that's now possible in GZDoom 4.12! No need for tedious manual graphic editing.
  11. Jimmy²

    maps that broke you, for better or for worse!

    I had no small amount of help from savescumming, plus a friend (@KeaganDunn) playing the map alongside me on Discord, who was already intimately familiar with the workings of the Divine Contraption. He was giving me pointers on each fight's hyper-specific criteria for survival and how best to conserve resources. It was a considerable test for the both of us.
  12. Jimmy²

    maps that broke you, for better or for worse!

    Update: Have actually beaten God Machine.