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RaRu Des2122

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About RaRu Des2122

  • Rank
    UV-Maxer, totally not a speedrunner

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  1. RaRu Des2122

    Post your Doom video! [but don't quote video]

    *** *** Yeah, I finished it! It was UV-Max playthrough of the Voyage of Shadowman which is the collection of maps made by Shadowman from 2008 to 2023. Almost all of them subsequently became part of various community projects such as Heroes' Tales, both parts of Whitemare, Speed Master, Bloodspeed and RDC speedmappings. If you were interested in watching my videos and you want to play maps unfamiliar to you or even this megawad fully, then you can download it here.
  2. RaRu Des2122

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    @myolden, great news, I'm looking forward to it!
  3. I would also recommend to Anomaly Report, Solar Struggle, both parts of Nostalgia and one of the most recent megawads at the moment which names Road to Hades.
  4. RaRu Des2122

    Road To Hades [32 map megawad for TNT]

    @MtPain27, am I right that in the fourth season of Dean of Doom you won't be able to get past the analysis of this megawad?
  5. RaRu Des2122

    Road To Hades [32 map megawad for TNT]

    It's not about the angles, it's about the lost soul's state. It is blue when it's calm and when it's aggressive it becomes red. Practice shows that this helps to shoot them more safely from a rocket launcher. This especially makes sense on MAP24)) By the way, it also looks beautiful. And that's why it's a pity that lost souls without pain elementals we can meet extremely rarely in the megawad (I counted only nine of them - six on MAP06 and single lost soul each on MAP24, MAP25 and MAP32).
  6. RaRu Des2122

    Road To Hades [32 map megawad for TNT]

    Dear @Rose Holmes, let me congratulate you with the release on idgames!