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Everything posted by Dragonfly

  1. Eviternity is a megawad comprised of six 5-map episodes (called Chapters) plus two secret maps. This project exclusively uses OTEX, a brand new high quality texture pack by ukiro. Eviternity's six chapters explore a series of unique and varied themes, each featuring classic gameplay with an interest in making each map hold its own unique identity and personality. The themes are "Medieval", "Techbase", "Icy Castles", "Industrial / Brutalism", "Hell / Gore / Alien" and "Heaven". This project was created as a birthday gift to Doom, which is celebrating its 25th birthday on the day this was released. The texture pack used in this project, OTEX, was also released on the same day - so please do not use Eviternity as a base for your wads & mods. While mostly being a "Dragonfly project", with 24 maps being made or heavily worked on by myself, I present to you a mighty lineup of well-known guest mappers who have crafted beautiful and fun levels. Since the initial release we've worked hard for an additional two months working on the now-final version of Eviternity! I hope you enjoy Eviternity, thanks for downloading & playing! Eviternity is primarily an MBF format project, intended to be played in the following ports: PrBoom+, GZDoom, Eternity & Doom Retro; and is supported in Zandronum when playing multiplayer. This was tested with the latest versions of each during the creation, so please ensure your copy of your respective source port of choice is up to date! /idgames: Download Now ModDB: Download Now DFDoom.com: Download Now Dropbox: Link removed - dropbox disabled link sharing on my account for excessive traffic. Thanks for downloading it so much!! MAP04, MAP09: James "Jimmy" Paddock (MAP04 is a collaboration with Dragonfly) MAP10: Derek "Afterglow" MacDonald (A Dragonfly map with a detail pass by Afterglow) MAP13, MAP18: James "an_mutt" Collins (MAP13 and MAP18 are collaborations with Dragonfly) MAP14: Seongbae "antares031" Park MAP15: AtroNx MAP19: StormCatcher.77 MAP24: Brett "Mechadon" Harrell MAP26: Xaser Acheron MAP29: Tristan "Eris Falling" Clark (MAP29 is a collaboration with Dragonfly) MAP31: Paul "skillsaw" DeBruyne MAP32: Ola "ukiro" Bjรถrling All other maps: Joshua "Dragonfly" O'Sullivan In the music department we have some talented members of the community. Some music is bespoke, and others are previously made pieces music that suited the maps perfectly. The music credits are as follows: MAP01: Midnight Call - Mark Klem MAP02: Octarine - Jimmy MAP03: Fluid Motion - Jimmy MAP04: Ancient Sovereigns - Jimmy MAP05: Sacred Light - Jimmy BESPOKE FOR EVITERNITY MAP06: Digital Bitchslap - Alfonzo MAP07: Pistons - Jimmy MAP08: Gutter Penny - Alfonzo MAP09: Wheezer - Alfonzo MAP10: Motion Machine - Jimmy MAP11: ice.mid - Dial Up For Murder BESPOKE FOR EVITERNITY MAP12: Gemstones - Jimmy BESPOKE FOR EVITERNITY MAP13: Polar Expedition - Stewboy BESPOKE FOR EVITERNITY MAP14: Frozen Wilderness - Tristan "Eris Falling" Clark MAP15: Restless Restless - Stewboy BESPOKE FOR EVITERNITY MAP16: All Systems Agogo - Alfonzo MAP17: Rotted Roots - Jimmy MAP18: Impermanence - Brayden "AD_79" Hart BESPOKE FOR EVITERNITY MAP19: Brutal Schism - Jimmy BESPOKE FOR EVITERNITY MAP20: Thanatos - Tristan "Eris Falling" Clark MAP21: Everything Explodes - Jimmy EXTENDED / IMPROVED FOR EVITERNITY MAP22: Waves of Intrigue (v2) - Kyle "Nabernizer" Dobson BESPOKE FOR EVITERNITY MAP23: Pearlescent - Jimmy MAP24: Ghostgrinder - Jimmy BESPOKE FOR EVITERNITY MAP25: Slave - Jimmy - MIDI Rendition of a song by Leprous BESPOKE FOR EVITERNITY MAP26: Gonzu - Kniggit MAP27: Imaginarium - Stewboy MAP28: Temporal Tower - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon MAP29: The Godhood Suite (Full) - Jimmy MAP30: Eviternity - Tristan "Eris Falling" Clark BESPOKE FOR EVITERNITY MAP31: Land of Able - Mark Klem MAP32: Epitome XIV - Yash Bhandari - MIDI Rendition of a song by Blut Aus Nord - Converted by Scotty CONVERTED FOR EVITERNITY Intermission / End Game Screens: Death's Toll - Stewboy Title Screen: Entering Eternity - Jimmy BESPOKE FOR EVITERNITY Lastly, what large-scale release is complete without some heavy testing? The following people have been testers and bugfixers throughout the project's life span: Joshua "Dragonfly" O'Sullivan Ola "ukiro" Bjรถrling James "Jimmy" Paddock Seongbae "antares031" Park Ben "Bauul" Mansell Tristan "Eris Falling" Clark James "an_mutt" Collins Derek "Afterglow" MacDonald AD_79 rdwpa KingDime AtroNx Brett "Mechadon" Harrell Scotty Paul "Skillsaw" DeBruyne Xaser Acheron StormCatcher.77 YugiBoy85 This project has had various assets made for it and/or borrowed from other works. Thanks to the extra support from the following people: Cage M_Doom & TITLEPIC graphics ukiro Multiple requests for OTEX, Tree Sprites, Archangelus sound effect voice "acting", various sprite edits CWolf Firestick replacements FuzzballFox Keycard Graphics Bauul & Jimmy general WAD management and double-checking antares031 DeHackEd / DECORATE wizardry and management Gutawer & josh771 snow scripts for Episode 3 in GZDoom Kristus BOSSBACK picture id Software, Raven Software, Wolfendoom Cyber Baron Sprites - Sourced from the Realm667 Bestiary: "Cybruiser" - Edited by Xaser id Software, Blizzard Entertainment, Vader Terminator Sprites - Sourced from the Realm667 Bestiary: "Terminator" - Chaingun sourced from here for the above edits by Xaser Raven Software, Antares031 Arachnotron / Elite Chaingunner Bullet Sprites SD EnterNET (edited by Antares031) Arachnotron / Elite Chaingunner Bullet Sound Amuscaria (Formerly Eriance) Nightmare Demon Sprites & Sounds - Sourced from Hellforged (Edited by Eris Falling) Amuscaria (Formerly Eriance) & Vader Astral Cacodemon Sprites - Sourced from the Realm667 Bestiary: "Poe" Raven Software & Midway Astral Cacodemon Sounds - Sourced from the Realm667 Bestiary: "Poe" Jimmy - The Font Based on the font 'Voice In My Head' by Chequered Ink Clay Archangelus Sprites Raven Software Archangelus Sounds - Sourced from Hexen Chandalier sprites Bauul GLDEFS Eric T Archangelus sound processing & mix Cyano Blugron & Bauul Teleporter particle effects Aquila Chrysaetos Knows his way around a nodebuilder and probably killed 1000+ slime trails! Viewers of Dragonfly's Stream I thank you all for providing me seemingly unlimited motivation! <3 Come hang out with the developers on Discord; we're a friendly bunch! :) https://discord.gg/D4Sv5px
  2. Dragonfly

    [RC5] EVITERNITY II - RC5 Released!

    Regarding midis, Microsoft GS Wavetable / GZDoom.sf2 are the intended listening methods. This is further reinforced by the YouTube uploads of the music being in that soundfont, and how Tristan even went as far as to repair a part of GZDoom.sf2's playback for the drums SFX channel (which was included in a previous GZDoom update) to ensure map21's midi plays back as intended. ๐Ÿ‘Œ
  3. Dragonfly

    Cursed Doom combos

    Okay? I didn't need to know, I needn't have been pinged and this didn't warrant a whole thread. Enjoy your low resolution imp tits or whatever I guess? Keep it away from me thanks.
  4. Dragonfly

    Cursed Doom combos

    The fuck does that have to do with me? EDIT: No, seriously, I'm perplexed why I'm tagged in this post
  5. Dragonfly

    Box Doom - Community Project [Slots Filled]

    It doesn't take 6 months to fill a 256x256 box. Just close submissions, wrap it up, call it a day.
  6. Dragonfly

    [RC5] EVITERNITY II - RC5 Released!

    I beg you and everyone else, please, give it a rest.
  7. Dragonfly

    Executing script when player touches sector floor

    Use Thing 9999, Actor Hits Floor, then add the script to the Actions tab in UDB.
  8. Dragonfly

    [RC5] EVITERNITY II - RC5 Released!

    I'm well aware, I thought the laughing emoji would help indicate that
  9. Dragonfly

    The DWmegawad Club plays: Eviternity II

    Why is everyone throwing skillsaw in the comparison pile? This association / review standard makes no sense... ๐Ÿ˜…
  10. Dragonfly

    [RC5] EVITERNITY II - RC5 Released!

    As I've stated a fair few times in a fair few places - at least give me a break first, jeez. ๐Ÿ˜‚ Truth be told, I'm not likely to revisit the Eviternity name to be honest. I don't want to pigeonhole myself into a single series for the rest of my life, there's more ideas and concepts I'd want to explore... Also many, many other hobbies I've been neglecting that I'd want to go and do instead of draw lines all day! :P
  11. Dragonfly

    The DWmegawad Club plays: Eviternity II

    This was a dev name Antares came up with; I believe this is still it's name within the dehacked/decorate? Either way so everyone knows, it's name is "The Origin". :)
  12. Dragonfly

    The DWmegawad Club plays: Eviternity II

    Necromenace. ๐Ÿ‘
  13. Dragonfly

    The DWmegawad Club plays: Eviternity II

    Yes, it's HMS.
  14. Dragonfly

    [RC5] EVITERNITY II - RC5 Released!

    Sorry to say but I have no idea when the final release will be ready; I need a break. It'll be done when it's done. ๐Ÿ˜…
  15. Depends on format. In Doom/Boom etc, use a W1 instead of WR (Walk over 1 time/ Walk over Repeatable) In Hexen/UDMF, untick "Repeatable action".
  16. Dragonfly

    Reflections and Aspirations: MBF21 in 2024

    I think a better(?) way to implement this is allowing for vertical reorchestration - that is, muting or un-muting certain MIDI channels based on actions in the game. I would have made use of this in Eviternity II MAP35 as per the example you propose, for sure. In fact I even started testing the idea using a switch between major/minor key before checking if the features existed for that very map. See below video where I had a test midi running that had the music changes baked into it: On the topic of music changers - additional music changing methods would be VERY appreciated. Also adding this functionality to DeHackEd would be amazing so mappers can tie it to boss creatures or item pickups. The implementation would need some thought out consideration and defined fallback behavior etc, but for now some initial examples should help explain: Actor: Player enters sector (current) Actor: <Thing> sees player/voodoo Actor : <thing> dies (for use in dehacked boss monsters notably) Linedef: Change music when Player enters tagged sector (Much better than using potentially hundreds of things in detailed maps) ((Maybe needs multiple versions to choose which track if multiple are available.)) Linedef: Change music when Player crosses linedef (Useful in voodoo setups, though the above could handle that too.) One last thing to note: please please please reduce the massive lag tied to changing music. It usually takes at least a full second to change the music, sometimes longer, and in 99.99% of use cases I can concieve, an instant music change would be better. ๐Ÿ™ --------- An additional setting that'd be appreciated from my end is some way of having solid midtextures - this would make 3D bridges easier to construct, but the real reason I ask this is there's no way of having exclusively flying monsters be able to cross a linedef without also having the ability to go through the midtexture - another issue seen frequently throughout Eviternity II.
  17. Dragonfly

    The DWmegawad Club plays: Eviternity II

    I did wonder if this would be how it was percieved; though I can confirm however that this is not the case. In fact, it was made after only one E4 map (MAP16) had been started. It's a good theme, and I wanted more of it but with a twist! An interesting thing to note is how later on in development, Liberation settled on a very similar idea for MAP17 despite having not played MAP35 yet, heh. I viewed this as a good coincidence, making the "gimmick" more concrete to me. :) I am also fascinated by all the comparisons to TRT Revilution's MAP32; I should go play that to see what everyone means (I've still not played Revilution... or much else released in the last 8-10 years for that matter. My backlog is insurmountable at this point which makes me hesitant to even start trying to get through it) I will note that MAP35 is one of the maps that's likely to see more changes than most maps in future revisions. I will not be expanding the map itself much, if at all, as I very much do not want the concept to overstay it's welcome; it's brevity was a very conscious decision during development to prevent people feeling it "Overstays its welcome" or is "a navigational nightmare", of which both would be very easy to feel when toying with a concept like this; but I do definitely want to completely overhaul the combat of the map which I think will do a lot of good for the map overall.
  18. Dragonfly

    Doom II Textures Tier List

    You're also going to need to elaborate on STONE not being at the peak of S-Tier...
  19. Dragonfly

    The DWmegawad Club plays: Eviternity II

    Continuous is not cheating! ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  20. Dragonfly

    The DWmegawad Club plays: Eviternity II

    You can take my messages as some kind of passive aggressive attack on you or however it is you're misreading my message if you like, that's fine I suppose? To clarify, I was genuinely suggesting a lower difficulty in good faith. Again, that fight is not as hard as you describe which makes me fear you're going to have a bad time in later maps if this is the fight that brings up these comments. I will say now though that the tone was soured that yes, it is overwhelmingly infuriating as one of the authors to see someone sour their experience out of some weird "UV or bust" mentality; especially so when mappers put in a lot of time and consideration to make their WADs accessible to more people. We don't do this in other video games, why has that become the norm in Doom? Anyways, I'll butt out of the conversation from fear of this derailing the thread too much.
  21. Dragonfly

    The DWmegawad Club plays: Eviternity II

    I'd consider lowering your difficulty if that is "fucking impossible" to you. ๐Ÿ˜… After all, we did put hours of our time into making the lower difficulties, so you're still getting the "intended" experience whatever difficulty you choose to play.
  22. Dragonfly

    [RC5] EVITERNITY II - RC5 Released!

    You need to hit the switch which is roughly where you entered