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  1. Today
  2. Woah, I'm so relieved to see myself again in the forum after almost five days of no internet access in my country. The internet just restored an hour ago and still no access in the social/communication apps but luckily I can enter here so visited the forum at once because I was missing this place very much and I was excited too. I'm glad to be here again!

  3. I've abandoned the previous project a bit. The abandoned space station is now truly abandoned, but now by me.

    I've made some progress in Slope and 3D floors. So I'll tease you with the current project - it doesn't have a special name yet and is simply called 0618. Why these numbers? Those who study at an art or math university/college or have ever been into art/math will easily recognize it.

    When I finish this project, will I abandon it or will I return to the previous one, who knows. I'm just doing it while it's being done.

    photo_2024-07-23_17-33-01 (2).jpg

  4. Coming soon!


    A small 5 map deathmatch pack featuring immense verticality + jump/bounce-focused gameplay!


    Thanks to @mothvox for helping me get some testing in - still gotta do some more, but this is most of the way there!


    This project used to be called Havok DM 3, but I felt it was enough of 'its own thing' to warrant calling it something different!


    Hoping to get this out in a couple days!


    This is the TITLEPIC:




    Font is from a text generator website, [I'm no graphic designer :P]

    Screenshot is from MAP02 of this pack - 'Very Vertical'.



    1. Daytime Waitress

      Daytime Waitress

      Font is super "early-200X concept of a futuristic sports/deathmatch" - evocative af.

  5. Yesterday
  6. Maybe my demo mirrors what I think would get clicks and isn't *really* creative or interesting, maybe what I *need* to do is make something inaccessible.

  7. After heavy backlash, the terry gigawad will be no more than a megawad with 16 chapters (maps) and 4 secret chapters

  8. steph sterling latest video about AI is great

    between them and the work of Some More News i'm enjoying building up resistance to certain types of scams and AI fully qualifies

  9. Oh hey, i noticed that i've been on this site for a year, woah.


    Who would've guessed that this hyperfixation would last more than a few months like it usually does, hehe.

  10. im very cool and hydrated

  11. Last week
  12. Here is a picture of Doomguy pooping with his friend.


    1. VoanHead


      co-op shidding

    2. The BMFG

      The BMFG

      That's deep as fuck man.

  13. A week ago I just turned 10 years old in Doom years.  Cool.  Time is weird.

  14. to anybody other than myself seeing this, I made this just to archive some funny threads that have been posted on this very forum, so that I can access these a bit easier later. Such a shame I also can't archive post hell threads. Will lists more funny threads when I find more of them.


    Some (actually, could be considered most) threads here are found at these two thread discussing funny threads that been posted on Doomworld:

    Greatest posts on Doomworld - - ¡All Time Greatest! by Chip

    what are some funny doomworld incidents by Jeroa


    The Lists:

    https://www.doomworld.com/forum/post/1984170 (Bloodite Krypto's legendary response, it doesn't embedded for whatever reason. RottKing also posts 3 audio files voicing the response)



  15. today is my birthday

  16. I just had a horrible dream.. Last night I dreamt that I was walking down this basement that was completely empty and looked to be recently abandoned with nothing but silence filling the atmosphere. I walked down the hallway and heard some clock ticking noises. I investigated the room and heard the noise inside the room's closet. I opened the door carefully to see a fully functioning grandfather clock ticking. I found the ticking sounds very comforting. but before I knew it, I turned around to see that everything looked more decayed. I went to walk back upstairs to see everything looked more dusty, So I decided to just leave and go home. but when I walked out the exit door I saw there was nothing left. no sign of life, no sign of nature, no other buildings or structures to stay in, I realised I travelled to the end of time. Where I'm the only living species on this world. All alone and with nothing and nobody to talk to but only my thoughts to company me. 

  17. I'm going to take a break from modding for a bit to research media because I feel the writing and direction sort of suck, like to give an example ww1 is a cliche and I feel like I'm not being creative enough with it. It would also be nice to work on my spritecrafting with 3d and getting stuff set up on linux, might be months until I release anything. Below is a scraped "sketch idea" with a sprite edit and a noise + paint filter to let my imagination try to think of what a model would be like, Will probably go unused.

  18. Update: my upcoming Doom wad is now expected to take years.

  19. Goodness... its almost 3AM. but I'm gonna try sleep now... goodnight to everyone.

  20. Update on my mental health: I have been finding lots of struggle sleeping. I have been working non-stop on this doom map and it's been driving me a little crazy... Anyways, I'm gonna be doing some activity stuff here for a bit and then I'll try sleeping.

  21. I'm gonna release a 10 map demo of Plerbtonia tomorrow, I was planning for it to be 11 maps but my streak of motivation has run dry by now (it was a good 2 week run, which is pretty average for me).

  22. I'm going to reduce StarZone to just the 7 maps which are pretty much done save for detailing and other polish. (Recently I reduced it to 10 maps from my initial goal of 15-20 maps.) Out of the 3 maps which I'm giving the axe, 2 of them are far too unwieldy and would require either HEAVY revision or a full-on remake, and one is just little more than a starting area.

    All of the maps I cut from this project will be given second (in some cases third :P) chances in other projects though (some of them already have).

  23. Working hard on combining all 42 of my CTF maps together into one anthology!


    I've got a beta built already, but I still need stuff like a TITLEPIC, and an M_DOOM.


    Works perfectly in ZDaemon and Zandronum.


    Getting back to that slimy level I was referencing a couple days back, too. I've got most of the level figured out already, so that's good!




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